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360iSR and Canadian UAVs to provide comprehensive UAS operations training.

| 2021

360iSR and Canadian UAVs have agreed to jointly offer the most comprehensive Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations training on the market globally. The joint training offering announced at DSEI 2021 leverages the partnership’s world-class multi-decade, multi-platform and proprietary Transport Canada approved Detect and Avoid technology to provide end-to-end UAS training solutions in alignment with NATO Standard ATP- requirements.

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360iSR and Canadian UAVs have agreed to jointly offer the most comprehensive Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations training on the market globally.

The initiative addresses a growing demand currently unfulfilled: UAS suppliers provide type (system-specific) training on the unmanned aircraft systems they sell, but this is only one small part of a larger, holistic UAS Operations Training picture. Too often a UAS is procured without a pathway to fully leverage the asset’s data acquisition, dissemination, and tactical force implementation advantages. This shortcoming is a result of not having access to comprehensive UAS Operations Training. Comprehensive UAS Operations Training addresses operational airworthiness, airmanship, general UAS information, Detect And Avoid(DAA) systems and procedures, the integration of UAS in non-segregated airspace, and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance(ISR) procedures.

Canadian UAVs is a Transport Canada-registered training company with a proven track record providing UAV training to the Department of National Defense. The company has highly qualified UAS personnel who hold Transport Canada Advanced small RPAS Pilot Certificates (including those with Flight Reviewer ratings) and is authorized to provide BVLOS UAS Operations Training at Foremost UAS Test Range in Foremost, Alberta, Canada.

Canadian UAVs offers pilot training, type training, test and evaluation, maintenance services, Detect and Avoid training, operational risk assessment, permitting, general consulting, training aircraft and in-country logistics support.

Complementing CUAVs, 360iSR is a globally trusted company with the capability to offer end-to-end ISR support. 360iSR is one of a few companies that have a team with the experience to deliver all aspects of ISR from the Tactical Coordinator to the ISR Division Chief and they have worked on projects ranging from counter poaching in Southern Africa to large scale security events such as the London Olympic Games. 360iSR completes the total training package by offering intelligence analyst, ISR operator and sensor operator training. It also provides assistance to clients in the development of CONOPs and TTPs.

Together, the two companies bring expertise in UAS and ISR operations to create a total training solution that not only ensures the highest level of flight safety training, but also that all specializations within the UAS and ISR activity are individually trained, and that crew, team, and military unit are collectively trained, thus enabling the integration of the UAS into the wider operational community. The result: more effective UAS operations, better return on investment in unmanned aircraft systems, and fully integrated and synchronized capability that supports decision-centric operations.

Ewen Sime, 360iSR President, said: “The collaboration between 360iSR and Canadian UAVs represents a step-change in UAS training. No longer is a client limited to a pilot-centric conversion to type course. Our training program addresses aviation authority certification issues such as BVLOS and DAA and it addresses operational issues such as integration of UAS activity into the broader ISR activity ultimately supporting information dominant operations.”

Sean Greenwood, Canadian UAVs President, added: “This joint offering is the most advanced, and comprehensive institutional unmanned aviation indoctrination offering on the market. With the rapid increase in global UAV acquisition and utilization, the industry has been waiting for a complete end-to-end capability with access to vast on-shore, low-risk airspace for some time. Canada has a long and distinguished aviation history in training Commonwealth and NATO allies and this offering will continue that tradition for the unmanned paradigm.”

Training with Canadian UAVs and 360iSR in Canada will afford clients low-risk, expansive airspace – a relief from airspace-constrained programs in other countries – where cadets can be trained without assets being risked over water or in operationally unrealistic restricted airspace. Also, clients can employ their UASassets (legacy or newer procurements),as well as Canadian UAVsaircraft,all while elevating their UAS training programs to an internationally recognized and interoperable level.

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