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Impressive Destruction of a Russian Turtle Tank in Ukraine.

A video shared on social media by the 46th brigade of the Ukrainian army shows the brutal destruction of a Russian "Turtle Tank," a modified armored vehicle, by Ukrainian drone operators. The Turtle Tanks are increasingly common among Russian armed forces, but their actual impact on the battlefield remains questionable.
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 Impressive destruction of a Russian "Turtle Tank" in Ukraine. (Picture source: Ukrainian MoD)

The "Turtle Tanks," also known as Tsar Mangal, are modified versions of the Russian T-62, T-72, and T-80 tanks. These vehicles are equipped with additional protections, including a steel roof, reinforced sides, and anti-drone grills, designed to reduce their vulnerability to aerial attacks, especially those conducted by drones.

Despite these improvements, the "Turtle Tanks" have significant limitations, particularly in terms of visibility and mobility. Their non-rotating turret limits their maneuverability and makes them more vulnerable to targeted attacks. Furthermore, although these tanks are designed to withstand drone strikes, Ukrainian drone operators have demonstrated their ability to find and exploit weaknesses in this new armor.

The video, shared on social media platforms, shows the precise attack of a Ukrainian drone against a Russian "Turtle Tank." This drone managed to penetrate the tank's defenses and cause considerable damage, thus confirming the continued effectiveness of Ukrainian forces in using drone technology to counter Russian innovations.

The "Turtle Tank" in question had been previously abandoned by Russian forces, likely due to a mine explosion that damaged the vehicle. The initial explosion severely affected the tank's mobility, probably forcing the crew to abandon it under enemy fire.

This particular tank was also equipped with a demining system mounted at the front, designed to neutralize landmines before they reached the main chassis of the vehicle. However, it appears that this system partially exploded due to the mine, contributing to the immobilization of the vehicle and making it an easy target for Ukrainian drones.

The Turtle Tank cannot fulfill the role of a true combat tank; it is more suited to roles such as artillery or demining. However, even in these configurations, the Turtle Tank struggles to achieve real effectiveness. While the war in Ukraine has brought many innovations, such as the emergence of drones, it is uncertain whether the Turtle Tank will be adopted and applied industrially.

If the Turtle Tank cannot fulfill the role of a combat tank, a demining vehicle, or even a mobile artillery unit due to a lack of range and firepower, what is the purpose of this modification? It is likely intended to reassure the crew. The drones and various threats that have emerged during the conflict in Ukraine terrify Russian soldiers. Adding a series of protections, perhaps unnecessary from a purely technical perspective, is not at all redundant from a psychological standpoint. The crew feels safer and is therefore more capable of carrying out missions to completion.

This event occurs in a context of war where each side competes in ingenuity to gain a tactical advantage. The Russian "Turtle Tanks," although innovative, have yet to prove their invulnerability on the battlefield, especially in the face of the determination and adaptability of Ukrainian forces.

The Turtle Tank is equipped with a partially destroyed mine clearance system at the front of the vehicle. ( Picture Source: Ukrainian Mod)

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