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German Company IBD presents evolution concept for MBT122 tank and CV9040 infantry armoured 0706121.

| 2012

Defense Industry News - IDB

Thursday, June 7, 2012, 08:50 AM
German Company IBD presents evolution concept for MBT122 tank and CV9040 infantry armoured.
During the Swedish Armed Forces' event "Markstridsdagarna", FMV and IBD/ÅKB presented results from joint ongoing protection studies for the MBT 122 and CV9040 platforms.
During the Swedish Armed Forces' event "Markstridsdagarna", FMV and IBD/ÅKB presented results from joint ongoing protection studies for the MBT 122 and CV9040 platforms.
MBT122 main battle tank with Evolution Kit IBD
IBD/ÅKB has adapted the Evolution Kit for the MBT 122 and the CV9040 platforms and thereby achieved increased protection performance for both platforms at relatively low or no weight increase, depending on selected protection solution. Mobility and fighting capability are thereby still maintained at a well balanced survivability concept.

For both platforms the focus has been to maintain the existing "cold war" protection capabilities and as well increase the protection against all relevant actual threats such as recent hand held anti tank weapons (eg RPGs) and IEDs.

As a result of the combination of all these efforts the concept provides an outstanding 360 degree protection of the crew. The new protection concept is the latest variant of similar high level protection solutions (defined as Evolution Concepts) from IBD for different platforms that have been developed and already supplied to customers. With this concept platforms like the MBT 122, the CV90 and other vehicles can be upgraded to multi-purpose tanks.

During the Swedish Armed Forces' event "Markstridsdagarna", FMV and IBD/ÅKB presented results from joint ongoing protection studies for the MBT 122 and CV9040 platforms.
CV9040 armoured infantry fighting vehicle with IBD Evolution Kit
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