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Breaking News: Iranian Missiles Sayyad-2C Found in Hezbollah Arsenal After Israeli Strike in Lebanon.

A video and pictures circulating on social media on May 17, 2024, reveal the presence of Iranian Sayyad-2C anti-aircraft missile fragments at the site of an Israeli strike in the Najjarieh area of Lebanon. This discovery marks the first direct evidence that Hezbollah possesses sophisticated Iranian SAM (Surface-to-Air Missile) systems, specifically from the Raad, Tabas, and 3rd Khordad families.
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Comparison of a missile discovered in Lebanon with a Sayyad-2C missile presented by the US DoD in November 2018. (Picture source X Account Tal Inbar)

The images, verified by defense experts, show the remnants of the Sayyad-2C missile, part of Iran's advanced air defense technology. These missiles are known for their capability to engage various aerial targets at medium to high altitudes, posing a significant threat to aircraft operating in the region.

The implications of this find are profound, as it confirms longstanding suspicions about the extent of Iran's military support to Hezbollah. The presence of such advanced weaponry in Lebanon indicates a potential shift in the balance of power in the Middle East, raising concerns about the escalating military capabilities of non-state actors in the region.

Israeli officials have yet to comment on the findings, but the discovery is likely to heighten tensions between Israel, Hezbollah, and Iran. This development underscores regional conflicts' complex and volatile nature, where advanced military technology is increasingly accessible to militant groups.

The Sayyad-2C is an Iranian surface-to-air missile (SAM) designed for air defense purposes. Iran's broader effort is to develop indigenous missile technology to enhance its defensive capabilities. The Sayyad-2C is a variant of the Sayyad-2 missile, which is itself derived from earlier versions in the Sayyad missile family. These missiles are based on the American Standard Missile (SM-1) design, which Iran acquired before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The Sayyad-2C is designed to engage various aerial targets, including aircraft, drones, and potentially some ballistic missiles. It operates at medium to high altitudes and can engage targets at significant distances. The missile is equipped with a solid-fuel propulsion system, providing a substantial range and quick reaction time. Its guidance system allows for precise targeting, making it a formidable component of Iran's air defense network.

This missile's advanced capabilities represent a significant technological achievement for Iran, showcasing its ability to produce sophisticated defense systems domestically. The presence of the Sayyad-2C in Hezbollah's arsenal, as recently evidenced by fragments found in Lebanon, underscores the strategic implications of Iran's missile technology proliferation in the region.

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