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Indian Forces get new AXISCADES Man Portable Counter Drone Systems.

The Indian Army has taken an important step forward by equipping itself with the Man Portable Counter Drone System (MPCDS), designed and manufactured by the Indian company AXISCADES Technologies Ltd. This development marks a pivotal shift in the country's defense strategy, with an initial order of 100 crore rupees ($12 million USD) for these innovative systems.

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Axiscades Man Portable Counter Drone System (Picture source: Axiscades)

The MPCDS stands out for its portability and its ability to operate on both battery and mains power, covering multiple frequency spectrums. It is capable of detecting and neutralizing a wide range of drones up to a distance of 5 kilometers. "This system is the first of its kind in the portable category to be integrated into the Indian Defense Forces," stated Arun Krishnamurthi, CEO and Managing Director of AXISCADES. According to him, the system is already being deployed across various commands of the Indian Army.

This system represents a major advancement for AXISCADES, illustrating India's commitment to achieving complete autonomy in defense engineering. It also represents a step forward towards fulfilling the national ambition of reducing dependence on foreign technologies in defense and security.

The Indian Ministry of Defense and the armed forces have expressed their intent to significantly enhance their capabilities against UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), planning for emergency purchases and tenders in the coming years, representing a financial opportunity estimated at 3,000 crore rupees.

The introduction of these advanced technologies reflects a change in the Indian defense strategy, increasingly seeking to integrate high-tech technological solutions to address modern threats. AXISCADES, as a leader in the development of counter-UAV solutions, strategically position itself to meet the growing demand, both domestically and internationally, for sophisticated defense systems tailored to new security challenges.

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