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Yugoimport Systems Weapons Defence Company Serbia
Yugoimport SDPR is a Serbian state-owned defence company and represents the Government and military industrial complex of Serbia in the sphere of importation and exportation cooperation of defence equipment and related services. It is the largest company in the local defense industry.
Busniess Area

Yugoimport SDPR is a Serbian state-owned defence company and represents the Government and military industrial complex of Serbia in the sphere of importation and exportation cooperation of defence equipment and related services. It is the largest company in the local defense industry.

The task of Yugoimport-SDPR, as a state-owned company, is to carry out business and tasks of general interest in the area of foreign trade in the field of defense.
Owing to its sixty year long experience gained through its continuous presence on the international defense market, Yugoimport-SDPR represents today a proven and reliable partner.
Yugoimport-SDPR’s business policy is oriented towards three primary missions:
• Integrator of Serbian Defense industry – presentation and promotion of the Serbian industrial complex on the world market of armaments and defense equipment
• Development and production of complex combat systems
• Importer of complex combat systems for the needs of Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia

Yugoimport-SDPR is modern business system capable of quick reaction and adjustment to the trends on global mar-ket of armaments and defense equipment (ADE). Lately, the company extends and changes its basic mission - from state-owned marketing and commercial enterprise it devel-ops into "system enterprise" integrating and rounding up complete processes of market research, development, pro-duction, promotion and sale of complex ADE, based on inte-gration of own resources with the resources of Serbian defense industry, intitutions and institutes of the Ministry of Defense (Military Technical Institute, Technical Tets Center, overhaul depots and General Staff), as well as in cooperation with foreign technological partners. This mar-keting and development strategy gives satisfactory results.

Company details

Yugoimport-SDPR is modern business system capable of quick reaction and adjustment to the trends on global mar-ket of armaments and defense equipment.

• Family of NORA-B/52 155 mm 52 cal. TMGH
• Family of SOKO 122 mm armoured TMGH
• Advanced artillery FCS and BMS
• Advanced light long-range mortars, 60 mm, 81/82 mm and 120 mm
Combat vehicles – Systems, Components and upgrade
• M-10 4 x 4 combat-reconnaissance vehicle family
• M-84AS Main Battle Tank
• MUNJA heavy IFV
• T-55 and T-72 MBTs upgrade programs
• Upgraded BTR-50 Amphibious Assault vehicle
• 12.7 mm RCWS
• 30 mm RCWS (development)
• Light turret with 20mm and 30 mm cannons
• Advanced tank FCS with TI
• Multi-purpose mast-mounted optoelectronic station with TI, LRF and CCD camera coupled with land-observation radar


Infantry weapons and equipment

• Advanced rifle families in calibers 5.56 x 45 mm and 7.62 x 51 mm
• Infantry LMGs, GPMGs and HMGs
• Anti-material rifle family
• Sniper rifles
• Single-shot and multi-shot grenade launchers, 40 mm
• Automatic grenade launcher
• Advanced rifle-mounted FCSs integrated with infantry BMS
• Advanced BDU and personal ballistic protection system
Missile systems & PGW and development
• GROM-B air-to-surface missile system
• BUMBLE-BEE advanced short-range anti-tank missile system
• ALAS family of advanced light long-range missile systems
• Upgraded Malyutka anti-tank missile system
• Laser Guided Bomb kit, 250 and 500 kg
• Tri-sonic wind tunnel testing
• Small arms ammo, all NATO and Russian-standard calibers
• Less-than-lethal ammunition
• Mortar shells, 60mm, 81/82 mm and 120mm /HE, Ill, Smoke
• Medium-caliber cannon ammo. 20 mm – 57 mm, NATO and Russian-standard calibers
• Tank ammo, Russian-standard calibers
• Artillery ammunition, 76 mm to 155 mm, all NATO and Russian-standard calibers, including ERFB-BB, range 44 km and V-LAP, range 65 km (development)
• Long range rockets for MLRSs, 107 mm, 122 mm (40 km) and 262 mm (100 km development)
• Single base and Double base powders, including ball powders
• Pyrotechnics
Helicopter weapon system
• GROM-B air-to-surface missile system
• Upgraded Malyutka anti-tank missile system
• Containers with 12.7 mm and 20 mm weapons
• Side door-mounted HMG with advanced FCS
• Helicopter floor-mounted 20 mm weapon with advanced FCS
• LASTA 95 advanced piston-engine training aircraft for primary and basic training and secondary COIN role
Air defence
• Upgrade of SA-3/SA-6 AD missile systems
• Upgrade and networking AD SA radars
• C4I systems for AD
Technology transfer and production cooperation
• Production of ammunition, NATO and Russian calibers
• Production of small arms and medium caliber cannons
• Production of vehicles
• Production of powders, pyrotechnics and explosives
• Production of aerospace hydraulic systems, transmission, airframe components
Joint development and/or production
• G-4M advanced turbojet trainer and light ground attack aircraft
• Hybrid SP gun/missile AD systems with FCS, based on 20 mm, 30 mm and 40 mm cannons and missiles with IR homing heads, integrated with AD BMS
• 105 mm light long-range (30 km) towed and truck-mounted GH
• 107 mm, 122 mm and 262 mm advanced self-propelled long-range MLRSs
• Production cooperation in aerospace hydraulic systems, transmission, airframe components
YugoImport Contact Information

Bulevar umetnosti 2
Beograd 11150
Tel: (+381 11) 222 4444
Fax: (+381 11) 222 4599
Email: fds(at), office(at)
Click to this link to send a request to YugoImport

Range of products
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Lazar BTR-SR-8808 Mine resistant ambush protected vehicle MRAP 

LAZAR BTR-SR-8808 8x8 multi-purpose armoured vehicle 8x8 is designed following modern world trends in the development on a family of wheeled armoured vehicles intended for carrying out of a number of tactical tasks in different armed conflicts.

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Lazar 2 8x8 MRAV / MRAP Multi-Purpose armoured vehicle
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Technical Data Sheet, specifications, description, information, pictures.
M03 NORA-B52 K-I K1B 155mm truck mounted artillery howitzer system
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The M03 NORA K-I is a 155mm truck mounted artillery system designed and developed by the Serbian Defence Company YugoImport. This is the third generation of NORA series wheeled self-propelled howitzer. The latest technology in design and manufacture were applied in designing of the third generation of NORA, which resulted in multiple savings in time as well as in the increased accuracy.
Technical Data Sheet, specifications, description, information, pictures.
M09 105mm 6x6 armoured truck mounted howitzer
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The M09 is a 105mm armoured 6x6 truck-mounted howitzer designed and manufactured by the Serbian Defense Company Yugoimport. The M09 was unveiled for the first time to the public during the defense exhibition in Belgrade, Partner 2013.
Technical Data Sheet, specifications, description, information, pictures.
Nora B-52 155mm/52-calibre Wheeled self-propelled howitzer
Nora B-52 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer technical data sheet specifications description information intelligence pictures photos images identification Yugoimport Serbia Serbian defence industry army military technology
The NORA B-52 self-propelled gun-howitzer was developed by the Serbian Defence Company Yugoimport to replace older artillery equipment in service with Serbian Army. First 12 NORA B-52's were delivered in 2007 and more systems of this type are ordered.
Technical Data Sheet, specifications, description, information, pictures.
SOKO SP RR Self-Propelled Rapid Response 122mm 6x6 howitzer
SOKO SP RR 122mm Self-propelled Rapid Response 6x6 truck-mounted howitzer technical data sheet specifications description information intelligence pictures photos images identification YugoImport Serbia Serbian defence industry army military technology
The SOKO SP RR is a 6x6 Self-Propelled Rapid Response truck-mounted howitzer designed and manufactured by the Serbian Defense Company YugoImport. The SOKO was unveiled during the SOFEX 2010 in Jordan, presented for the first time to the public during the defense Exhibition Partner 2013 in Belgrade, Serbia.
Technical Data Sheet, specifications, description, information, pictures.
NORA B-52K1 155mm/52caliber 8x8 self-propelled howitzer
Nora B-52K1 155mm 52 caliber 8x8 self-propelled howitzer technical data sheet specifications description information intelligence pictures photos images identification YugoImport Serbia Serbian defence industry army military technology
The NORA B-52K1 is a 155mm 52 caliber self-propelled howitzer designed and developed by the Serbian Defence Company YugoImport. The NORA-B52 K1 truck-mounted artillery system is upgraded version of basic weapon NORA-B52 KE.
Technical Data Sheet, specifications, description, information, pictures.
“LASTA-95” advanced training aircraft

“LASTA-95” aircraft is designed for selection, initial and basic training of pilots, it offers low landing and takeoff speeds and pilot-friendly handling, forgiving potential errors by inexperienced pilots.

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