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Russian amy engineers to receive Uran-14 UGVs.

| 2020

Russian engineering troops will receive Uran-14 robotic systems. They will be delivered to all units. The vehicles can reach fire places and operate in dangerous conditions for humans. They will accelerate the advance of army units.
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Uran-14 UGV (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Russian Defense Ministry sources said each engineering regiment and brigade will operate the Uran-14. The regiments belong to combined arms and tank armies while brigades are subordinated to district commanders and operate in the most important sections. The first prototypes of the robots were tested by engineers of the Western Military District. Several vehicles were delivered to the Southern and Eastern districts later. The trials promoted a decision to deploy the vehicles in all engineering units in the country.

The 14-ton Uran-14 was designed to extinguish fire in high temperatures and other dangerous conditions for humans. It operates at least a 35-meter long foam stream or 50-meter water jet flow. It has a water pump with a capacity of 2,000 liters per minute. The robot has a rotating grip to move a 2-ton cargo. The operator can control the vehicle from a distance of hundreds of meters and stay in a safe zone. The vehicle has water and foam cisterns with a capacity of 2,000 and 600 liters respectively.

In combat, the robots have to promote a rapid advance of the troops. The defending side can engage fire screens. Many Russian exercises explode incendiary materials in the main strike direction. The advancing side has either to wait when the fire goes out or look for a bypass. The new hardware will simplify the mission.

The U.S. armed forces were using incendiary means in the past decades. Napalm was most widely used. “The Americans used it as an air weapon,” expert Viktor Murakhovsky said. “They actively used it in Korea and Vietnam and against the Taliban in Afghanistan. The U.S. Army erects obstacles in the advance routes together with fires. Our combat hardware is properly protected against fire and has inbuilt fire extinguishers. However, it is impossible to drive through a fire wall for a long time,” he said.

So, special vehicles are necessary to clear obstacles. Russia has such a vehicle, but there were no means to fight fires. An ordinary fire vehicle is not fit for the mission. It has no armor or remote control. The new robot will be engaged in combat and in the elimination of emergency aftermath. In 2019, Uran-14 extinguished fire at a weapon dump in Achinsk.

The Defense Ministry has been actively engaging the army to support civilian effort in the elimination of man-made and natural calamities of late. Engineering and railway units, military doctors, nuclear, chemical and biological protection units comprise the backbone, the Izvestia said.

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