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TsAGI progressing towards low-noise aircraft development

Aviation defence equipment technology - TsAGI
TsAGI progressing towards low-noise aircraft development
Russian aerohydrodynamics specialist TsAGI (a subsidiary of the Zhukovsky Institute) has completed the second phase of its research into an improved model of a future low-noise aircraft in April. The aircraft features a slightly swept wing allowing the laminar airflow without chaotic speed and pressure fluctuations on the surface and, hence, slashing drag, according to TsAGI’s press office.
TsAGI progressing towards low noise aircraft development 640 001TsAGI's concept of low-noise aircraft
(Credit: TsAGI)

"Another feature of the aircraft’s concept is the engines placed above the wing trailing edge. This is intended to reduce the noise generated by the aircraft in flight. The solution also allows mounting larger-diameter more efficient engines. The layout reduces the feasibility of foreign object damage [FOD] via the air intakes," the news release says.

The research institute tested the first model of the future aircraft in 2015. The results produced by the tests outlined ways to refine the layout. To carry on with their research, TsAGI scientists devised new aerodynamic design methods making full use of the compromise on the requirements to the laminar wing. The improved geometry of the sophisticated wing resulted from numerous calculations.

Transonic wind tunnel tests have proved the calculations right. Compared with the preceding version, the latest one has seen an increase in the lift-to-drag ratio, with the speed remaining virtually the same - 0.76 Mach. The wing’s lift has increased much too.

Now, TsAGI will look into the model’s strength and acoustic characteristics more accurately to substantiate the aircraft’s configuration proposed.



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