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Türkiye Plans a Ballistic Missile Test Site in Somalia: New Demonstration of Its Multidimensional Influence in Africa.

Türkiye is currently in advanced discussions with Somalia regarding the establishment of a ballistic missile and space rocket test site in the Horn of Africa. This project, revealed by sources familiar with the matter and reported by Bloomberg, highlights Ankara’s growing ambition to strengthen its military and technological influence on the African continent, while pursuing its goal of competing in the global space race. If this project materializes, Somalia, thanks to its strategic geographic location, would become a key element in Turkey's space and ballistic missile programs.
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This ballistic and space test site project aligns with Türkiye’s broader efforts to establish itself as a key player in military and aerospace technology (Picture source: Rokestan)

Türkiye’s interest in Somalia is driven by several geopolitical and technical factors. Located on the eastern tip of Africa, near the equator, Somalia offers an ideal location for launching space rockets and testing long-range ballistic missiles. Launching missiles or rockets from this location would allow Türkiye to use the Indian Ocean as a safe drop zone for debris, thus avoiding risks to nearby populations or infrastructure. Additionally, the proximity to the equator would enable Türkiye to optimize the performance of its launch vehicles, further advancing its ambitious space program.

This ballistic and space test site project aligns with Türkiye’s broader efforts to establish itself as a key player in military and aerospace technology. In 2022, Türkiye unveiled its new Tayfun ballistic missiles, which have a range of 560 kilometers, positioning them among the country's most advanced long-range weapons. These missiles, fully designed and manufactured in Türkiye, symbolize Ankara’s desire to achieve self-sufficiency in defense while enhancing its ability to project military power abroad.

The creation of a test site in Somalia would allow Türkiye to conduct long-range ballistic tests in secure and optimal conditions. This capability would be crucial for refining its missile systems while avoiding the risks associated with testing in more densely populated areas. Moreover, this project is part of Türkiye's broader strategy to strengthen its ties with Somalia, a country where Türkiye has already established its largest overseas military base, located in Mogadishu since 2017.

For several years, Türkiye has been investing heavily in Somalia, both militarily and economically. The Mogadishu base, which has the capacity to train up to 10,000 Somali soldiers, demonstrates Ankara's commitment to stabilizing and developing the country’s defense capabilities. This strategic partnership has positioned Türkiye as a key ally of Somalia, consolidating its influence in a region marked by increasing geopolitical tensions, particularly due to rivalries between major powers over control of maritime routes and natural resources.

The Mogadishu base, which has the capacity to train up to 10,000 Somali soldiers, demonstrates Ankara's commitment to stabilizing and developing the country’s defense capabilities (Picture source: Wikimedia)

However, Türkiye’s military influence extends beyond Somalia. Over the years, Ankara has built a vast network of defense partnerships across the African continent. Türkiye has gained prominence through the export of its military drones, particularly the renowned Bayraktar TB2. This combat drone, which has proven effective in several operational theaters, has been a key tool in Türkiye’s "drone diplomacy." The Bayraktar TB2 is an armed drone capable of performing reconnaissance missions and precision strikes, with a flight endurance of 24 hours and the ability to carry guided munitions.

These drones have been successfully deployed in recent conflicts, notably in Libya, where they supported the UN-recognized Government of National Accord in its fight against the forces of Marshal Haftar. By destroying enemy air defense systems and military convoys, Turkish drones played a decisive role in the Libyan counteroffensive in 2020. The success of these drones has bolstered the reputation of Türkiye’s defense industry, which has quickly found buyers not only in Africa but also in Europe and the Middle East.

In addition to drones, Türkiye has been modernizing its ballistic missile arsenal, with the development of the Tayfun and other defense systems. The installation of a test site in Somalia aligns with this dynamic of technological innovation and Ankara’s pursuit of strategic autonomy. By expanding its ballistic and space capabilities, Türkiye aims not only to safeguard its national interests but also to assert itself as a leading military power in key regions like Africa and the Middle East.

Simultaneously, Türkiye is not limiting its military expansion to traditional alliances. It has managed to develop partnerships with countries of various geopolitical affiliations, thus overcoming traditional divides between NATO and rival blocs like the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), led by Russia. By exporting its military technologies to both NATO members and non-aligned nations, Ankara is positioning itself as a preferred arms supplier for many countries seeking to modernize their armed forces at a lower cost.

In conclusion, the establishment of a ballistic missile test site in Somalia represents another step in Türkiye’s strategy of military and technological expansion. This project underscores Türkiye's rising prominence on the international stage, where it seeks to position itself as a key player capable of competing with traditional powers. Through a combination of diplomacy, commerce, technology, and military presence, Türkiye is solidifying its status as a growing power while extending its influence in Africa and beyond.

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