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Strategic Missile Forces of Russia have around 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles TASS 11812162

Armies in the world - Russia
Strategic Missile Forces of Russia have around 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles.
The Russian Strategic Missile Forces are armed with close to 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles which is over 60 percent of the total warheads and carriers of the Russian nuclear triad, Commander of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces Colonel-General Sergei Karakaev told reporters.
The Russian Strategic Missile Forces are armed with close to 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles which is over 60 percent of the total warheads and carriers of the Russian nuclear triad, Commander of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces Colonel-General Sergei Karakaev told reporters. R-36M2 / SS-18 Satan Silo
"At present the Russian Strategic Missile Forces have some 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles with various-yield nuclear warheads," he said. They comprise over 60 percent of strategic weapons and warheads of the Russian nuclear force, he added.

Ninety-nine percent of launchers in the strategic forces are combat ready, the commander said.

Budget appropriations up to 2020 allow keeping the pace of rearmament. "The perspective organization of the attack grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces will focus on quality transformation and considerable increase in the share of modern missile complexes," Karakaev said adding quality improvement in combat control of troops and weapons will take place in the same time.

"In the final end the Strategic Missile Forces will have a balanced structure armed with an optimal number of missiles designated for various missions to ensure nuclear deterrent and security of Russia," Karakaev said.

The Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation are a military branch of the Russian Armed Forces that is in charge for all the operational aspects of Russia's land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

The Strategic Rocket Forces operate four distinct missile systems. The oldest system is the silo-based R-36M2 / SS-18 Satan which carries ten warheads, the last missile will be in service until 2020, it will be replaced by the new RS-28 Sarmat. The second system is the silo-based UR-100NUTTH / SS-19 Stiletto, the last missiles in service with six warheads each will be removed by 2017.

The most numerous missile in service is the single warhead mobile RT-2PM Topol / SS-25 Sickle which have 72 missiles in service, all of them are planned to be decommissioned by 2019. The next generation of Topol missile that entered in service is the RT-2UTTH Topol-M / SS-27 Sickle B with single warhead, from which 60 are silo-based and 19 are mobile. Some new missiles will be added in future. First upgraded Topol-M called RS-24 Yars, carrying three warheads, was commissioned in 2010 and in July 2011 the first mobile regiment with 9 missiles was completed.
The most numerous missile in service is the single warhead mobile RT-2PM Topol / SS-25 Sickle which have 72 missiles in service, all of them are planned to be decommissioned by 2019. Topol SS-25 Sickle ICBM InterContinental Ballistic Missile mobile launcher unit.
The next generation of Topol missile that entered in service is the RT-2UTTH Topol-M / SS-27 Sickle B with single warhead, from which 60 are silo-based and 19 are mobile. Topol SS-27 Sickle B ICBM InterContinental Ballistic Missile mobile launcher unit. (Author Vitaly Kuzmin Wikipedia)

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