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French Special Forces were parachuted on the city of Tessalit to take the control of airport 0902131


French Armed Forces Operation Serval in Mali

Saturday, February 9, 2013, 06:18 AM
French Special Forces were parachuted on the city of Tessalit to take the control of airport.
French army soldiers of Special Forces were parachuted on the city of Tessalit during the the night of Friday, February 8, 2013, to take the control of the airport. Followed by an air assault of paratroopers of the 1er RCP (1st Parachute Chasseur Regiment) to strengthen the Special Forces, and secure the airport.
French army soldiers of Special Forces were parachuted on the city of Tessalit during the the night of Friday, February 8, 2013, to take the control of the airport. Followed by an air assault of paratroopers of the 1er RCP (1st Parachute Chasseur Regiment) to strengthen the Special Forces, and secure the airport.
Drop of French Special Forces paratroopers over the airport of Tessalit, picture take by a Harfang drone during the night of Friday, February 8, 2013.


Reinforcements of fifty soldiers of the 1er RCP (1st Parachute Chasseur Regiment), initially based on Kidal were carried by aircraft of Special Forces squadron to strengthen the area and allow French soldiers of Special Forces units to launch patrols to ensure control of the city.

At the same time, armoured vehicles from the 1er RIMa (1st Marine Infantry Regiment) left de city of Gao, to make a raid of 500 km, and join in the morning the French paratroopers in the area of Tessalit. Chadian soldiers were left from Kidal during the day of Februray 7, 2013 to join the French troops in the region.

This military operation, conducted discreetly was performed with the support of helicopters and fighter aircraft of the French Air Force which made during the night over thirty air missions, including a dozen air strikes to secure the area.

Chadian forces participated in the operation, which came the same day that a suicide bomber blew himself up at a checkpoint, the first known attack of its kind since the launch of the French-led offensive.

The attack by a teenager occurred in the city of Gao, authorities said. One Malian soldier was killed.

Video Airdrop of French Special Forces and air assault French paratroopers Tessalit Airport

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