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Discover new Russian airborne troops BRDM-2MS armored vehicle for possible deployment in Ukraine

According to a video published on the Russian social network VK of the Russian MoD (Ministry of Defense) on October 5, 2022,, Russian airborne forces have received the BRDM-2MS, a new modernized version of the BRDM-2, a Soviet-made 4x4 reconnaissance armored vehicle. The Russian forces that were recently mobilized are currently been trained with these new vehicles for possible deployment in Ukraine.
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New BRDM-2MS 4x4 armored vehicle for Russian airborne troops. (Picture source Russian MoD)

The BRDM-2MS is a modernized version of the Soviet-made BRDM-2 that entered into service with the Soviet Army in 1962 with the first production in 1963 and was shown for the first time to the public in 1966. The vehicle is equipped with a single-man turret mounted in the center of the vehicle. The turret is armed with one 14.5mm KPVT heavy machine gun and a coaxial 7.62 PKT machine gun on the right side.

The BRDM-2MS has many new features including new armor, an anti-fire device, thermal vision camera, laser range finder, surveillance systems for commander and gunner, target acquisition system, a geo-positioning system using GPS and electronic map, electronic monitoring of engine operation on driver’s panel, six cameras providing 360° awareness outside of the vehicle.

In terms of protection, the BRDM-2MS is fitted with new armor plates mounted around the hull to offer more protection against anti-tank guided missiles and RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades). The floor of the vehicle has also been reinforced to provide protection against mines and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) blasts. It keeps the original turret and the armament of the BRDM-2, but the roof of the turret is fitted with optics and observation systems.

The BRDM-2MS also includes several new combat equipment including an anti-fire device, thermal vision camera, laser range finder, surveillance systems for commander and gunner, target acquisition system, a geo-positioning system using GPS and electronic map, electronic monitoring of engine operation on driver’s panel, six cameras providing 360° awareness outside of the vehicle.

The BRDM-2MS is already in service with the armed forces of Serbia and Myanmar. 

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