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Russia deploys in Ukraine BMP-1AM tracked armored IFV latest modernized version of BMP-1

According to pictures published on the Social Network Telegram, we can confirm that Russian armed forces have deployed the BMP-1AM tracked armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) which is the latest modernized version of the Soviet-made BMP-1 tracked IFV.
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Russian BMP-1AM somewhere in Ukraine. (Picture source Telegram)

Pictures were also released on Twitter showing a destroyed BMP-1AM near the Lugansk region. After the deployment of the T-90M main battle tank, the Russian army continues to involve its latest generation of armored vehicles and tanks to conduct combat operations in Ukraine.

The BMP-1AM Basurmanin as unveiled at the Army international military-technical forum in August 2018 that was held in Kubinka near Moscow. Citing information published by the Russian press agency TASS, the first batch of Basurmanin BMP-1AM tracked armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) were supplied to the Russian army in February 2022.

The BMP-1AM is a modernized version of the BMP-1, a Soviet-made tracked armored IFV that was unveiled in November 1967 during a military parade in Moscow. Production of the BMP-1 IFV was completed in Russia some years ago, but quantities of these continue to be exported from various countries.

The BMP-1AM is based on the BMP-1 tracked chassis but the old turret is removed and replaced by a new remotely operated weapon station armed with one 2A72 30 mm automatic cannon, a Kalashnikov PKTM 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun. The turret can be also armed with one ready-to-use Metis-family ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missile), probably, the 9M115 Metis (AT-7 Saxhorn) or 9M131 Metis-M (AT-13 Saxhorn-2) missile.

The weapon station of the BMP-1AM integrates a fire-control system including a TKN-4GA-01 day-night sight It also features a dual-axis stabilizer of the main weapon.

The BMP-1AM is powered by a UTD-20S1 diesel engine with a maximum power output of 300 hp. It can run at a maximum road speed of 65 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 600 km.

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