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Defense industry of Iran develops new unmanned weapon station armed with 2A42 30mm cannon

According to information published by the Iranian Tasnim News Agency on February 12, 2022, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Research and Self Sufficiency Jahad Organization (RSSJO) have designed and manufactured in a new unmanned weapon station which is integrated on BMP-1 tracked armored IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle).
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Soviet-made BMP-1 fitted with the new Iranian-made unmanned weapon station. (Picture source Iranian Press Agency)

Citing information published by the Tasnim News Agency, the new weapon station can be easily integrated on wheeled or tracked armored vehicles. The first pictures released by the Iranian Defense Industry showed the integration of the new unmanned weapon station on Soviet-made BMP-1 IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle).

The original BMP-1 is fitted with a one-man turret armed with one 73 mm Model 2A28 smoothbore, low-pressure, short-recoil gun which weighs 115 kg. During the conflicts of the last 20 years, the BMP-1 showed weakness at the level of its turret, and several photos showed BMP-1 with the turret which had been ejected from the hull of the vehicle.

Using an unmanned weapon station, all the firing operations can be performed from the inside of the hull offering more protection for the crew.

The new Iranian unmanned weapon station is armed with a Soviet-made 2A42 30mm automatic cannon, one 7.62m machine gun mounted to the left of the main armament, one NSVT 12.7 heavy machine gun mounted to the left of the turret, and one 30mm automatic grenade launcher located to the right of the turret.

The turret is also equipped with new targeting and fire-control systems allowing the gunner to control all armament from the weapon station from inside of the hull. She is also a fully stabilized, dual-axis overhead unmanned turret system.

Iranian defense industry develops new unmanned weapon station armed with 2A42 30mm cannon 925 002
The new Iranian unmanned weapon station is armed with a Soviet-made 2A42 30mm automatic cannon, one 7.62m machine gun mounted to the left of the main armament, one NSVT 12.7 heavy machine gun mounted to the left of the turret, and one 30mm automatic grenade launcher located to the right of the turret. (Picture source Iranian press agency)

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