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Russia Kalashnikov has developed flying bike using drone technology

According a video released on the official website of Kalashnikov , the Russian Company has developed a flying bike using drone technology. The manned drone was tested and demonstrated in the factory.

Russia Kalashnikov has developed flying bike using drone technology 925 001
First flying test for the Kalashnikov hoverbike (source: video and picture Kalashnikov)

The new flying bike seems to be equipped with 16 sets of rotors powered by electrical battery.

According to our first analysis of the video, the pilot control the vehicle via two joysticks located at the front of the vehicle. There is one single seat and the structure of the vehicle is based on a metallic structure without any cover.

In January 2017, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and industry partners demonstrated the flying capabilities of a unique rectangular-shaped quadcopter during a visit from Department of Defense officials.

During the Defense Exhibition in Poland, the Polish Company Hoverbike has presented a concept of flying motorcycle, the Raptor, using also drone technology.

With the Hoverbike Raptor, the pilot is seated as in a position similar to existing biker’s position. Control will be carried out with the help of a motorcycle-like steering handlebar, and an innovative system of sensors that will provide intuitive machine guidance, as well as unforgettable experiences of flights.

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