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Russia Unveils Portable Tank-Mounted Drone Jammer to Counter Ukrainian Attacks

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern warfare, the use of drones has become increasingly prevalent, posing significant threats to armored vehicles on the battlefield. Responding to this emerging challenge, Russia has unveiled its latest countermeasure, the REB "Волнорез" (Volnorez - Breakwater) electronic warfare jammers. This state-of-the-art system was first showcased and mounted on a T-80BVM Main Battle Tank (MBT) during the Russian Army Expo 2023 defense exhibition, capturing the attention of defense analysts worldwide.
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The Russian-made Volnorez portable drone jammer system can be easily mounted on a tank turret to counter drone attacks. (Picture source Facebook Garupan History)

The Volnorez boasts impressive frequency coverage, spanning from 900 MHz to 3,000 MHz. This wide spectrum ensures that it can effectively jam a variety of drones operating within this range. With the ability to disrupt drone signals from over a kilometer away, the Volnorez stands as a formidable deterrent against aerial threats. Once jammed, most drones either veer off course, crashing into the ground, or remain stationary, loitering in place until they either regain signal or deplete their power reserves. This capability ensures that vehicles equipped with the Volnorez, as well as those in its vicinity, gain a significant layer of protection against drone attacks, marking a game-changer in defensive capabilities, especially in conflict zones like Ukraine.

One of the standout features of the Volnorez is the versatility of its jammer antennas. These are magnetically attached, allowing for flexible placement on almost any part of the vehicle. Furthermore, the jammer signals are omnidirectional, ensuring 360° of protection regardless of the antenna's position on the vehicle. While it's believed that the Volnorez is primarily fitted on vehicles equipped with an auxiliary power unit (APU) to ensure uninterrupted operation, early tests of the system were conducted on a T-72B3 tank, which did not have an APU. This suggests potential versatility in its deployment across different vehicle platforms.

The introduction of the Volnorez jamming system underscores the importance of electronic warfare in modern combat scenarios. As the situation in Ukraine continues to evolve, the effectiveness of this new system will undoubtedly be closely watched by military experts and strategists around the globe.

Defense News September 2023

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