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Russian-made T-14 Armata main battle tank fitted with new detection and acquisition system 10210162

Military Defense Industry Technology - T-14 Armata
Russian-made T-14 Armata main battle tank fitted with new detection and acquisition system.
The latest Russian T-14 army tank on Armata platform will be equipped with an advanced complex of target detection and acquisition with video imaging, Director of the specialized design bureau of the Popov Gorkosvky Communications Equipment enterprise which produces the device Igor Ryabov.
"Armata will become the first Russian armored vehicle to have the complex of rapid target detection and acquisition with an optic-fiber video imaging. It allows tank commander to rapidly transmit to the pointer both target coordinates and video image. Formally combat control becomes a computer game," he said.

At present "a major batch of such complexes has been produced and is undergoing test trials. The new complex is designed and produced jointly by Nizhny Novgorod-based Popov works and Temp-Avia Company.

Ryabov said the new complex reduces combat actions of tank commander and pointer to the minimum. The commander simply places the cursor on the target and presses a button for lock-on. "He then transmits exact coordinates of the target and the battlefield image to the pointer and can even instruct which vehicle is to be hit first, say, tank comes first and armored personnel carrier follows. It remains for the pointer to press the button," Ryabov said. The complex can rapidly transmit exact coordinates of adversary target on any terrain and in any weather, he added.

The T-14 Armata was unveiled for the first time to the public during the military parade in Moscow for the Victory Day, May 9, 2015. This is the new generation of Russian-made battle tank armed with the new 125mm 2A82-1M smoothbore gun with an automatic loader and 32 rounds ready to use.

The T-14 Armata is equipped with the Active Protection System (APS) Afghanit which seems similar to the Israeli Trophy able to intercept and destroy incoming missiles and rockets.The system is designed to work against all types of anti-tank missiles and rockets, including handheld weapons such as rocket propelled grenades.
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