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Russian soldiers will receive new 6B43 & 6B45 body armour and 6B47 combat helmets TASS 12705162

Military Defense Industry Technology - Body Armour & Helmet
Russian soldiers will receive new 6B43 & 6B45 body armour and 6B47 combat helmets.
Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) is delivering new body armour and combat helmets to the national Armed Forces at an increasing pace, according to a source within Russian defense industry. The Russian Armed Forces are receiving new 6B43 and 6B45 multipurpose body armour suits and 6B47 combat helmets. The refitting of Russian soldiers with new individual protection assets will have been finished by 2020.
Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) is delivering new body armour and combat helmets to the national Armed Forces at an increasing pace, according to a source within Russian defense industry. The Russian Armed Forces are receiving new 6B43 and 6B45 multipurpose body armour suits and 6B47 combat helmets. The refitting of Russian soldiers with new individual protection assets will have been finished by 2020.Russian soldier with new new body armour and combat helmet. (Photo copyright Vitaly Kuzmin)
"In the early 2000s, Russian soldiers desperately needed new body armour and ballistic helmets. 6B4 and 6B5 vests designed in the late 1980s were rapidly ageing. Both vests protected against rifle bullets, not providing shock-absorbing effect. As a result, the percent of contusions of a human body`s inner parts significantly increased. The outdated Soviet-age SSh-68 helmets were to provide head protection. Frankly speaking, they did not provide any protection, as the helmets could not stop even weak .32 ACP cartridge (7.65x17 mm Browning). Moreover, the wearing of SSh-68 posed a threat to soldier. When hit by several small high-speed fragments, the helmet broke apart, inflicting heavy wounds to soldier`s head. SSh-68 lacked any NIJ/EN 1063 protection level. At the same time, its production was extremely cheap, and such helmets were issued to the Armed Forces in large quantities.

6B45 multirole body armour vest has been developed by Saint Petersburg-based Techinkom company. MoD has included 6B45 vest in the Ratnik 'soldier of future' kit.

The basic variant of 6B45 (NIJ III/BR5 level, protection against 5.56x45mm SS109 steel core bullets) has a weight of approximately 8 kg and a ballistic/fragment protection area of 15-16,4/45-50 square decimeters respectively. 6B45 has received MOLLE/PALS system intended for attachment of various pouches. It incorporates two Granit ceramic armour plates stored in frontal and rear pockets respectively.

6B45 is a modular bullet-resistant vest. It comprises frontal and rear section and soft-armour shoulder and side protection. The vest can be peeled off in less than 3 seconds, using special emergency drop system. Due to MOLLE/PALS systems, all types of modern ammo pouches can be attached to 6B45.
The basic variant of 6B45 (NIJ III/BR5 level, protection against 5.56x45mm SS109 steel core bullets) has a weight of approximately 8 kg and a ballistic/fragment protection area of 15-16,4/45-50 square decimeters respectively. 6B45 has received MOLLE/PALS system intended for attachment of various pouches. It incorporates two Granit ceramic armour plates stored in frontal and rear pockets respectively.6B45 multipurpose body armour
There are three variants of the 6B45 vest. Light variant comprises frontal and spinal sections with no Granit armoured plates installed. Such vest is used by Special Forces, tankers, snipers, officers and medics. It has NIJ II/BR2 EN 1063 protection level (protection against 9mm full metal jacket (FMJ) Para bullets). Medium variant (organic modification of Russian Armed Forces) comprises frontal and spinal sections reinforced by Granit hard plates and side/shoulder soft armour. In such configuration, the 6B45 vest provides NIJ III/BR6 EN 1063 protection (protection against 7.62mm FMJ M80 bullets). The medium variant of the body armour is being issued to soldiers of all arms and services. Heavy 6B45 variant comprises frontal and spinal sections (each section is reinforced with two Granit hard plates) and side/shoulder/neck/groin soft protection. Such variant is intended for assault troops as it protects against 7.62mm armour-piercing bullets (NIJ IV/BR7 EN 1063 protection level).

In 2014, the Armed Forces adapted 6B45 as the new organic body armour instead of ageing 6B4 and 6B5 vests. The newest Russian body armour does not come short of the best Western individual protection assets, such as the US Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) or British Virtus.

The 6B45 vest is complemented by 6B47 combat helmet developed by Sofrino-based (Moscow Region) Armokom company. Russian Armed Forces have brought 6B47 into service as the new organic ballistic helmet. As well as 6B45, 6B47 is included in the Ratnik kit.

The specialists of the DuPont company see 6B47 as one of the best light combat helmets in the world. 6B47 has NIJ II-A/BR2 protection level (protection against 9mm Para bullets). It can stop 9mm Makarov bullets (9x18mm) or heavy steel fragments. The helmet`s weight is 1.2 kg. It is equipped with attaching lug for night vision googles (NVG), flashlights and laser designators. 6B47 has received the helmet cover to increase its camouflaging features.
The 6B45 vest is complemented by 6B47 combat helmet developed by Sofrino-based (Moscow Region) Armokom company. Russian Armed Forces have brought 6B47 into service as the new organic ballistic helmet. As well as 6B45, 6B47 is included in the Ratnik kit.6B47 combat helmet
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