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Russian T-14 Armata will be fitted with PKTM 7.62mm machine gun with remote reloading system TASS 11211152

Military Defense Industry Technology - T-14 Armata
Russian T-14 Armata will be fitted with PKTM 7.62mm machine gun with remote reloading system
The new Russian T-14 Armata main battle tank will get an upgraded Kalashnikov machinegun PKTM fitted with a remote reloading system and a new anti-guidance system, a spokesman of the Degtyaryov plant, the weapon manufacturer, has reported.
The new Russian T-14 Armata main battle tank will get an upgraded Kalashnikov machinegun PKTM fitted with a remote reloading system and a new anti-guidance system, a spokesman of the Degtyaryov plant, the weapon manufacturer, has reported. The T-14 Armata is equipped with an unmanned turret and all the crew is located at the front of the hull.
"T-14 Armata will be armed with the PKTM machinegun featuring a remote reloading system manufactured by our plant," he explained.

"Now the shot won’t have to replace the belt manually. He will be able to do this just pushing the button," the official said.

According to the source, series production of this model is being launched and the first supplies have been made. The source revealed that the PKTM essentially outperforms its counterparts. Manufacturer’s site informs that the 7.62 mm caliber machinegun has a firing rapidity of 700-800 shots per minute (operational firing rate 250 shots per minute) at an aimed firing range of 1.5 km.

The Degtyaryov official also reported that Armata will get a new anti-guidance system which is now undergoing acceptance trials. This will considerably outdo the previous generation counterparts. Armata will be fitted with those systems since the beginning of series production," he said.
The new Russian T-14 Armata main battle tank will get an upgraded Kalashnikov machinegun PKTM fitted with a remote reloading system and a new anti-guidance system, a spokesman of the Degtyaryov plant, the weapon manufacturer, has reported. Second armament of the T-14 Armata includes one remote weapon station mounted on the top rear of the turret armed with one 7.62mm mm machine gun.
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