U.S. Army increases their intelligence capabilities with the improved Prophet System 12209153
Military Defense Industry Technology - Prophet System U.S. army
U.S. Army increases their intelligence capabilities with the improved Prophet System. | |||
U.S. Army soldiers, with the 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, received an increase in their intelligence capabilities, Sept. 1, when they fielded the improved Prophet System and Modular Integration Kit mounted on mine-resistant, ambush-protected-All, or MRAP-All, terrain vehicles, or M-ATVs.
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The systems provide a clearer picture of the battlefield, enabling commanders to make better-informed decisions on-the-go. The Prophet family of systems consists of mobile and/or fixed-site signals collection, direction finding, processing and reporting assets. The system requires human intelligence collectors to operate the vehicles and signal intelligence analysts to operate the Prophet system, said Staff Sgt. William Geimausaddle of A Company, 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade. Additionally, the system will foster closer collaboration among signals intelligence collectors and human intelligence collectors, whose mission is providing a current and forecasted battlefield "picture" to unit commanders. A human intelligence collector is responsible for information from human sources providing Army personnel with information about the enemy force's strengths, weaknesses, and potential battle areas. The signal intelligence analyst analyzes foreign communications and activity, and relays that information by producing combat, strategic, and tactical intelligence reports. Soldiers, with A Company, 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, have been familiarizing themselves with the new systems. The company has been training on the two vehicular systems to put their newfound skills into practice, said Capt. Cody Schuette, commander of A Company, 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade. "The end state is to know the equipment," Schuette said. The enhanced systems are a valuable asset because they can deploy to support tailored or short-notice missions, where strong signals intelligence collection and analysis is critical to the Army's mission, success and force protection. Additionally, they are able to communicate with the unit's Prophet Analysis Cell. The analysts work to determine the meaning and relevance of the data they receive. They consistently conduct analysis training, sharpening their analytical skills and their target knowledge. The 504th is one of three battlefield surveillance brigades, or BfSBs, across the active Army, and are transitioning to Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigades. The new military intelligence brigades will consist primarily of two subordinate military intelligence battalions, and be capable of worldwide deployment as well as support to deployed forces from stationary locations. The Soldiers of the 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade continue to work diligently to master the enhanced military vehicles. The 504th BfSB's capabilities and mission readiness are steadily growing as the Army upgrades equipment, and most of all, because of the unit's Soldiers' motivation and dedication to remain "always ready."