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US soldiers demonstrate new armored Stryker Dragoon 30mm in Czech Republic

The U.S Army’s newest addition to its Stryker fleet, the 30mm Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle - Dragoon, was introduced by Palehorse Troop, 4th Squadron, 2d Cavalry Regiment during a combat capabilities display in Stara Boleslav, Czech Republic, May 30, 2018. The U.S. Soldiers setup two Stryker ICV-Ds and several fact boards for a presentation to the media as well as the U.S. Ambassador to Czech Republic, Stephen King.

US soldiers demonstrate new armored Stryker Dragoon 30mm in Czech Republic 925 001
The Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle - Dragoon (ICVD) with a new 30mm chaingun is showcased at a static display in Stara Boleslav, Czechia, May 30. (Picture source U.S. MoD)

The U.S. Army initiated the Stryker 30 mm Infantry Carrier Vehicle – Dragoon (ICVD) program in July 2015 in response to an Operational Needs Statement (ONS) from U.S. Army Europe for improved or upgraded lethality of organic direct fire weapons to support dismounted infantry when engaging like units, or those supported by light armored vehicles.

The first upgraded Stryker, designated XM1296 "Dragoon", was delivered for testing on 27 October 2016. The vehicle was fitted with a Kongsberg Protech Systems' Medium Caliber Remote Weapons Station armed with an Orbital ATK XM813 30mm cannon variant of the Mk44 Bushmaster.

The ICVD integrates an unmanned turret manufactured by the Norwegian Company Kongsberg armed with a 30 mm automatic cannon onto a flat-bottom Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle chassis with upgraded suspension and larger tires.

The 30 mm autocannon is able to fire High Explosive Incendiary – Tracer and Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot – Tracer rounds. All firing and loading operations by crew can be performed under armor thanks to the use of an unmanned turret. Second armament of the Stryker Dragoon includes one 7.62mm coaxial machine mounted on the right of the main armament and 8 smoke grenade dischargers located on each side of the turret.

U.S. Units equipped with the Stryker ICVD will provide Combatant Commanders a medium-weight force capable of rapid strategic and operational mobility to disrupt or destroy enemy military forces, to control land areas including populations and resources, and to conduct combat operations especially in Europe.

The direct fire weapon system upgrade is intended to provide effective mounted and dismounted combined arms and freedom of maneuver during combat operations.

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