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Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer

Focus - Photo Report Aboard PLAN Type 052C Destroyer Changchun
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer
Journalists from a Chinese naval magazine were able to spent some time aboard People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN or Chinese Navy) Type 052C Destroyer Changchun (hull numer 150). They published an interesting photo report with one picture every hour during an entire day (24 hours) showing the life of the crew on board a PLAN destroyer. Pictures were taken in July 2015 while the vessel was deployed in the western Pacific ocean.
According to the PLAN: "Type 052C vessels are new-generation guided missile destroyers independently researched, developed, designed and manufactured by China. With a maximum length of 155 meters, width of 17 meters, and a full load displacement of 6,000-plus tons, this new-type destroyer is equipped with multiple sets of new-type weapons and equipment independently researched and developed by China. With advanced performance and state-of-the-art equipment, it is able to attack surface ships and submarines either independently or in coordination with other naval forces, and has stronger combat capabilities of long-distance alerting and detection as well as area air-defense."Type 052C (Luyang II class) Destroyer Changchun (hull number 150) is the third vessel of the class
The Type 052C destroyer (NATO designation Luyang II class) is a class of destroyer built by China. It features four AESA multi-function phased arrays radar. Six vessels in the class were built with the last one delivered in February this year. Following the Type 052C, the PLAN will commission improved and more powerful destroyers such as the Type 052D and the future Type 055.

According to the PLAN: "Type 052C vessels are new-generation guided missile destroyers independently researched, developed, designed and manufactured by China. With a maximum length of 155 meters, width of 17 meters, and a full load displacement of 6,000-plus tons, this new-type destroyer is equipped with multiple sets of new-type weapons and equipment independently researched and developed by China. With advanced performance and state-of-the-art equipment, it is able to attack surface ships and submarines either independently or in coordination with other naval forces, and has stronger combat capabilities of long-distance alerting and detection as well as area air-defense."
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer First picture: the photo report is nammed "The 3000 nautical miles of Changchun (150) in the Pacific Oean"
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 01:00 - The vessel is sailing in the Pacific Ocean under starry skies
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 02:00 - On the navigation bridge
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 03:00 - The anti-air warfare Chief takes a shower. Changchun desalinates 40 tons of sea water per day. Warm fresh water is available 24/7.
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 04:00 - The communist party secretary is in the navigation map room to give a cup of coffee and cookies to the deputy navigation chief. It is a tradition on the ship.
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 05:00 - The chefs start preparing food in the kitchen
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 06:00 - Type 052C Destroyer Changchun keeps on sailing East
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 07:00 - The deputy navigation chief measures the distance between the destroyer and a supply ship. Although computers are availabel to perform this task automiatically, it is nonetheless essential for the navigation crew to retain these skills.
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 08:00 - Type 052C Destroyer Changchun gets resupplied in liquids
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 09:00 - Communication training
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 10:00 - In the flotilla command room, the commander of the flotilla gives the GO for training with live fire. Less than 10 people are required to command the flotilla, through an automated combat system. The average age of the command crew is 35 years old.
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 11:00 - The deputy communications chief, a young woman who graduated just 1 year ago, focuses during a naval battle simulation.
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 12:00 - Type 052C Destroyer Changchun concludes a series of live fire exercise
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 13:00 - The Changchun's ASW helicopter deploys its dipping sonar
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 14:00 - The destroyer transfers some of the crew members to Type 054A frigate belonging to the same flotilla
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 15:00 - Passing exercise/naval maneuvers training for the flotilla
Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 16:00 - In the gym, some sailors participate in physical exercise during their break

Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 17:00 - After 4 hours on station, some sailors take their meals. The meal is served self-service, there are 5 different dishes, soup and fruit, like when the crew at shore.


Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 18:00 - Start of the night flight and night landing training. Throughout the mission, the helicopters decked 435 times during day time and 292 times at night.


Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 19:00 - Some sailors play cards during their break. Others are either in the gym, the library, the multimedia room or on the deck.


Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 20:00 - Last landing of the day for the helicopter


Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 21:00 - Women onboard the destroyer have their own living quarters


Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 22:00 - In the generator control room:"1500 rpm, 50 Hz, 380V"


Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 23:00 - In the sonar room, a sonar operator is on watch duty. According to the sailor, each operator must remain on station between 6 to 8 hours every day. They distinguish the signals between civilian ships, military vessels, dolphins and whales. When the journalist asked if this task gets boring, the operator on duty responded "It's just a habit."


Photo report: 24 Hours Aboard a PLAN (Chinese Navy) Type 052C Luyang II class Destroyer 24:00 - The diesel propulsion team leader makes his usual inspection.

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