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Video: CANTO torpedo countermeasure

CANTO represents a breakthrough in the field of torpedo defence. It is designed to protect any platform, submarine or surface, against the most advanced torpedoes and the previous generation of torpedoes as well. CANTO is ordered by the French Navy to protect its SSN and SSBN and by the Brazilian Navy to protect the new SSK fleet. Unlike the classical decoys aiming at seducing the attacking torpedo by recognizing its acoustic signal and reproducing one false target, CANTO is based on dilution/confusion principle.

CANTO torpedo decoy Naval Group St Tropez 2 CANTO tri-tube launcher for Brazil's future Scorpene-class SSK (SBR program)

CANTO countermeasure acts completely independently of the torpedo threats thus offering a protection against numerous simultaneous torpedo attacks even in case of unknown torpedo threats.

Video: CANTO torpedo countermeasure

CANTO® has been developed to protect efficiently a submarine against single or multiple torpedo attacks. It is capable of defeating previous and new generation torpedoes combining complex signal processing and high endurance, against which the seduction based decoys are no longer efficient. CANTO® is an all-in-one broadband active acoustic emitter acting both as a jammer for dilution effect and as false targets generator for confusion effect. It creates and constantly renews hundreds of fake echoes on a 360° coverage area aiming at saturating the torpedo sonar and data processing. The extremely confused tactical picture forces the attacking torpedo(es) to waste time finding the real target and thereby exhausting its energy.

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