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RPG-32 Hashim / Nashab short-range anti-tank weapon
RPG-32 Hashim Nashab anti-tank grenade launcher short-range weapon technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology
The RPG-32 Hashim (called Nashab in Jordan) is a Russian-Jordanian anti-armour (anti-tank) man-portable grenade launcher, while the name "Hashim" is that of the royal Jordanian Hashemite family. The RPG-32 multipurpose grenade launcher was developed between 2005 and 2007 by Russian state-owned FGUP 'Bazalt' organization on request and under contract from Jordan. The RPG-32 is designed to destroy modern tanks of latest types especially those with additional armor shield (Explosive Reactive Armor-ERA). The RPG-32 grenade launcher system boasts well thought-out ergonomics characteristics to ensure rapid loading and high accuracy of aiming, as well as convenience of firing from any position (standing, kneeling, prone). In April 2006, an RPG-32 mock-up was displayed for the first time at the Stand of the Jordanian-Russian Electronic Systems Company during the Special Operations Forces Exhibition (SOFEX). First RPG-32 'Hashim' grenade launchers will be delivered to Jordan from Russia in 2008. In May 2013, the Jordanian-Russian joint venture to produce RPG-32 portable rocket-propelled grenade launchers was announced in Jordan. It will be also manufactured in Argentina for its army and the Marines. In 2010 Russia supplied the RPG-32 grenade launchers to Lebanon.
- RPG-32 72mm
- RPG-32 105mm
Technical Data
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The “Nashab” RPG-32 consists of a two-piece modular unit: one part is a reusable firing/sighting unit, described as the launcher, and the other is a disposable container holding either an anti-tank or thermobaric round. The RPG-32 grenade launcher is lightweight and compact, its length is 360mm and an empty weight of 3kg. The containers are loaded with two types of rounds: an antitank one with a tandem shaped-charge WH, and an assault one with a thermobaric WH. A set of such containers makes it possible to engage all existing targets: current tanks, armored vehicles, fortifications, infantry located on the battlefield including manpower sheltered in buildings and structures, etc. The antitank round ensures efficient engagement of current and advanced tanks. The assault round WH provides for fragmentary and cumulative effects in addition to the thermobaric one.
RPG-32 Hashim Nashab anti-tank grenade launcher short-range weapon technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology
The RPG-32 Hashim/Nashab grenade launcher is equipped with a convenient optical collimating sight 1P81 to allow for efficient firing of any type of rounds up to a range of 700m. The grenade launcher can also be fitted with a night sight.
RPG-32 Hashim Nashab anti-tank grenade launcher short-range weapon technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology
The RPG-32 Hashim/Nashab fires either 72.5 or 105mm rounds with a blast radius of 700 meters and has earned a reputation for its ability to be safely fired in semi-confined spaces. The RPG-32 can used four types of ammunition in one weapon - two types of 105mm rockets and two types of smaller and lighter 72mm rockets. All use solid-fuel rocket motors which burn out completely while rocket is still in the launcher, and all are stabilized in flight using switch-blade type folding fins at the rear. The warhead includes a 105mm caliber tandem anti-tank able to penetrate 650mm of steel armor (behind reactive protection) or 72mm multipurpose (fragmenting high explosive thermobaric) warhead, designed to defeat buildings, fortifications, light armored targets.
RPG-32 Hashim Nashab anti-tank grenade launcher short-range weapon technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology
Combat use
The RPG-32 Hashim/Nashab is short-range anti-armour weapon with an effective firing range from 200 to 450m. The RPG-32 can be used to successfully engage and destroy a wide variety of battlefield targets, from modern main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers to bunkers, military equipment and troops in or in closed or open area.
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Type of weapon
Man portable anti-tank grenade launcher
Optical sight and night sight
Designer Country
Russia - Jordan
72 and 105 mm
1 soldier
Effective range
200 - 450m
Weapon Weight
10 kg with 105 mm rocket
6 kg with 72mm rocket
Ammunition box Weight
7 kg - 105mm
3 kg - 72mm
Ammunition loads
1 round
Length: 1,200 mm with 105mm launch container
Length: 900 mm with 72mm launch container
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RPG-32 Hashim Nashab anti-tank grenade launcher short-range weapon technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology
RPG-32 Hashim Nashab anti-tank grenade launcher short-range weapon technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology
RPG-32 Hashim Nashab anti-tank grenade launcher short-range weapon technical data sheet specifications information description pictures photos images video intelligence identification Russia Russian army defence industry military technology
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