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BVS10 Viking mk III


BvS10 Viking

All-Terrain Amphibious Tracked Armored Vehicle - UK / Sweden

BvS10 Viking all terrain amphibious tracked armored vehicle UK Bae Systems 925 001


The BvS10 Viking is a fully amphibious all-terrain tracked armored vehicle designed and manufactured by the British Company BAE Systems, in collaboration with the Swedish Company Land Systems Hagglunds. For the VHM French version BvS10, some parts of the vehicle will be made by the French Company Panhard. The BvS 10 is composed of two tracked vehicle units linked by a steering mechanism. The BvS10 is a further development of the smaller Bv206S, with improved load capacity, based on the experience gained from more than 25 years of articulated vehicle design and production. BvS10 offers a load capacity of 3 to 5 tonnes. The BvS10 has the same superior mobility in difficult terrain as the Bv206 and Bv206S, including amphibious landing capability. The BvS10 Viking vehicle can be operated in temperatures from –46°C to +46°C and was selected for its multi-role and worldwide operational capability in jungle, desert and Arctic conditions and for rapid deployment. The first prototype Viking vehicles were delivered to the British Army in June 2001. The vehicles successfully completed a 24-month series of trials in Norway, the UK, Sweden, and Oman. In Norway, the vehicle successfully completed a winter deployment inside the Arctic Circle. In September 2001, Vikings were transported to Oman and took part in Exercise SAIF SAREEA 2, where full operational testing was carried out in extremely hot and dry desert conditions. The BVS10 Viking is used by the Netherlands and British armed forces. In December 2009, the DGA (French army procurement agency) ordered 53 vehicles of BvS10 Viking Mk II, a new and improved version of the all-terrain vehicle in service with the Dutch and British armed forces. In February 2019, BAE Systems has delivered the first four BvS10 all-terrain vehicles to the Austrian Armed Forces. Austrian army has ordered 32 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) variants of the BvS10.

BvS10 Viking variants:

- Armoured personnel carrier
- Repair and recovery vehicle
- Ambulance
- Command and control
- Load carrier
- Mortar carrier
- BvS10 Mk2: upgrade version of the BvS10

Technical Data

The roof of the BvS10 Viking cabin for the front vehicle is fitted with a ring mount for a 12.7 mm caliber Browning heavy machine gun or a 7.62 mm caliber general-purpose machine gun. To increase his protection, the BvS10 Viking is also equipped with two groups of 4 smoke-grenade dischargers, mounted to the front of the vehicle, on the top of each front window. The driver or vehicle commander can operate smoke dischargers, which can fire smoke or white phosphorous grenades.
Design and protection
The BvS10 consists of two tracked vehicles coupled together by a special articulation mechanism. The front vehicle is used as a driver unit with 2.5 m2 of internal space while the rear vehicle has 10 m2 of cargo space that can be used to carry military personnel or combat equipment. The hull of the BvS10 Viking is made up of steel armor plates, which give protection against 7.62mm armor-piercing rounds and 152mm artillery shell fragments from a range of more than 10m. The vehicle is rated to protect against 0.5kg charge anti-personnel mines. The British version of the BvS10 Viking is equipped with a mine protection kit and armor cage. The BvS10 Viking design allows for upgrades and for the installation of modular subsystems to suit specific operational requirements, including add-on armor, a range of weapon mounts, load changes, and standard platforms. British BvS10 Viking crews are usually armed with the SA80A2K carbine, a shortened version of the standard assault rifle, designed for carrying within cramped compartments.
The newly developed BvS10 Viking chassis, power train, and steering units give the vehicle speed and comfort on road and in terrain comparable with modern IFVs. The front vehicle is equipped with a 5.9l in-line six-cylinder turbo diesel engine designed by Cummins and producing 250bhp (183kW at 2,600rpm), more than twice the power of the Bv206. The maximum torque is 840Nm at 1,600rpm. The Allison MD3560 six forward plus one reverse speed automatic transmission has differentials and final drives on both the rear and front cabins. The suspension of BvS10 Viking is composed of 6 small road wheels on each side of the chassis, there is no track-return rollers. Only one idler wheel is mounted at the front. The suspension is the same for the front and rear vehicles.
The BvS 10 Viking can ford through water up to a depth of 1.5 m without preparation. The vehicle is fully amphibious, being able to swim in deeper water with less than two minutes of preparation including closing holes and fitting a front vane to prevent a bow wave from washing over the front windows. The water speed is 5 km/h.


Armament Armor
One machine gun 7.62 mm or 12,7 mm calibre Protection against direct fire 7,62 AP up to STANAG level 4 with add-on protection, add-on mine protection STANAG level 2a/2b, CE protection RPB armor cage
Country users Weight
Austria, United Kingdom, Netherlands, and France. Front vehicle: 5,100 kg
Rear vehicle: 3,500 kg
Designer Country Speed
Sweden / UK  65 km/h on a road, 5 km/h on water
Vehicle Equipment Range
Standard equipment: NBC protection system, winch, and air conditioning.
In option: Weapon station, Smoke grenade launcher, wire cutter, night vision, reverse camera, extra tank fuel.
500 km
Crew Dimensions
2 + 2 seats for the front vehicle and 8 seats for the rear vehicle Length: 7.6 m; Width: 2.2 m; Height: 2.2 m

Details View

BvS10 BvS 10 Viking amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle data sheet description information intelligence identification pictures photos images BAE Systems British army United Kingdom
BvS10 BvS 10 Viking amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle data sheet description information intelligence identification pictures photos images BAE Systems British army United Kingdom BvS10 BvS 10 Viking amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle data sheet description information intelligence identification pictures photos images BAE Systems British army United Kingdom
 BvS10 BvS 10 Viking amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle data sheet description information intelligence identification pictures photos images BAE Systems British army United Kingdom  BvS10 BvS 10 Viking amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle data sheet description information intelligence identification pictures photos images BAE Systems British army United Kingdom

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