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Sphinx Panhard

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SPHINX Panhard EBRC Armoured vehicle for reconnaissance & combat
Sphinx Panhard EBRC armoured vehicle reconnaissance combat technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images France French Army Scorpion program
The SPHINX is a project of armoured vehicle which will be revealed by the French Defence company Panhard, with a presentation of a mock up of the vehicle, during the International Defence Exhibition of Paris, Eurosatory 2010, which will be held from June 14th to 18th 2010. The armoured vehicle Panhard SPHINX belongs to the projects of modernization of the French Army, gathered under the denomination of “Program Scorpion”. The Scorpion program aims “to develop and optimize the total technical-operational performances of the GTIA (Groupements Tactiques Interarmes), in other words to allow the French Army to lead under good conditions the combat “to the contact” with three families of vehicles: an upgrade version of the Leclerc tank, the successor of the VAB Renault ( the standard wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier of the French Army) with the program VBMR (Armored Vehicles Multi-Roles), and the successor of the AMX-10RC with the program EBRC (Armoured Vehicle of Reconnaissance to the Combat). Currently, there remain 340 Leclerc main battle tank in service. There will not be soon less than 250, those which will not be modernized being sold with export, in condition however that the government finds a customer. The second vehicle of the Scorpion program will be the successor of the famous VAB Renault. The vehicle SPHINX belongs to the projects of program EBRC (Armoured Vehicle of Reconnaissance to the Combat). The final project and delivery of the last vehicles for 2025.. The DGA (French Army Agency Armament procurement) envisaged to order 300 EBRC, to deliver as from 2018.
Technical Data
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The Panhard SPHINX would be equipped with a two-man turret, armed with a new gun of 40 mm calibre, which should still be developed, and whose final development would be carried out only from here a few years. The SPHINX could be also armed with complementary armament, like mortar or anti-tank guided missiles. To supplement its armament, the armoured vehicle Panhard SPHINX would also have smoke-grenades discharger mounted to each side of the turret.
Design and protection
The Panhard SPHINX would be equipped with a “V” shape hull, providing an increased protection against the IED (Improvised Explosive Devices). Protection would be ensured up to a level 5. The vehicle would have also the capacity to have an additional armour in heavy or light version.
The Panhard SPHINX uses a 6x6 chassis, motorized by an engine for which “several solutions were identified” but not yet formally selected. Mercedes belongs to the serious applicants, with V12 having a power of 550-600 cv, Steyr is not excluded. The Sphinx Panhard would have transmissions out of H, and is protected up to level 5.
The armored vehicle Panhard SPHINX would have a minimum weight of 17 tons, (with an evolution up to 18 tons according to the variants). With this weight the Panhard SPHINX would be transportable by air by a plane of type A400M and C-130.
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One 40 mm gun, coaxial machine gun, guided anti-tank missiles
Country users
Designer Company
Panhard General Defense
Latest technologies of firing system, NBC protection, night vision
3 soldiers
Level 5
17,000 kg
? km/h sur route
? km
Lenght, 5,5 m; Width, ? m; Height, 1,65 m
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Sphinx Panhard EBRC armoured vehicle reconnaissance combat technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images France French Army Scorpion program
Sphinx Panhard EBRC armoured vehicle reconnaissance combat technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images France French Army Scorpion program
Sphinx Panhard EBRC armoured vehicle reconnaissance combat technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images France French Army Scorpion program
Sphinx Panhard EBRC armoured vehicle reconnaissance combat technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images France French Army Scorpion program
Sphinx Panhard EBRC armoured vehicle reconnaissance combat technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images France French Army Scorpion program
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