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Verne Dragoon ASV-150

Verne Dragoon ASV-150 Armoured vehicle personnel carrier
Verne Dragoon ASV-150 wheeled armoured vehicle US army United States pictures technical data sheet description identification information


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The Dragoon wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier was produced by Arrowpointe Corporation (now General Dynamics Land Division) during the 1980s. It was based on the automotive components of the US Army's M113 APC's and 5 ton trucks. It resembled a larger V-150 Commando. The latest design of Dragoon has been purchased by the US military and several foreign governments and is available in 10 different variants. One- and two-man turrets are available that have been easily adapted to a variety of other armoured vehicles. The first production vehicles were completed for the US Army and Navy in 1983. Since then, Venezuela, Thailand and the US Navy have placed orders for Dragoon armoured vehicles, which have subsequently been delivered. Dragoon borrows in from the M113A2 its starter, its periscopes, its drain pumps, its control knobs and its components electric and hydraulic. The case of Dragoon is an entirely welded steel construction, ensuring the crew a protection against the individual weapons of 5,56 and 7,62 mm and against the glares of shell.
Variants :
Dragoon 300 20mm Turret: Fitted with two-man turret armed with 20mm cannon.
Dragoon 300 25mm Turret: Fitted with two-man turret armed with bushmaster M242 25mm cannon.
Dragoon 300 25mm Turret Variant 1: Fitted with 25mm KBA cannon in overhead mount.
Dragoon 300 90mm Turret: Fitted with two-man turret armed with 90mm gun.
Dragoon 300 Recoilless Rifle carrier: Version armed with multiple recoilless rifles.
Dragoon 300 ACV: Command vehicle version.
Dragoon 300 LERO: Obsevation vehicle.
Dragoon 300 Trailblazer: SIGINT version.
Dragoon LFV-40: Fitted with 1M turret armed with 50cal HMG & 40mm grenade launcher.
Dragoon LFV-50: Fitted with 1M turret armed with 50cal HMG and 7.62mm LMG.
Dragoon LFV-90: Fitted with two-man turret armed with 90mmm gun.
Dragoon -APC: Armoured personnel carrier version.
Dragoon MEWS: Electronic warfare version fitted with Teampack.
Dragoon RMD: Dragoon converted into remotely controlled mine detector.
Dragoon AMC : mortar carrier
Patroller: produced for use by Police Agencies.
Patroller Variant 1: Police version fitted with ram device.
Technical data
Lot of turrets can be installed to the wheeled armoured vehicle Dragoon as, two-man 90 mm turret armed with 90 mm gun, 7.62 or 12.7 mm coaxial machine gun and optional 7.62 mm anti-aircraft machine gun. This turret was designed and built by AV Technology, two-man MultiGun Turret System (MGTS) which can be armed with a 35, 30 or 25 mm cannon and a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, an 12.7 mm/40 mm Up Gunned Weapons Station (UGWS) fitted with a 40 mm MK 19 Mod 3 automatic grenade launcher and 12.7 mm M2 HB coaxial machine gun, one-man MultiGun Turret System which can be armed with various combinations of weapons, for example one 7.62 mm and one 12.7 mm machine gun, AV-30 turret which is armed with the ATK Gun Systems Company 30 mm M230 cannon (as installed on the Apache attack helicopter) and a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun. All-electric gun control and stabilisation system is fitted, as is a day/thermal sighting and fire-control system.
The hull of the current Dragoon is constructed of high-hardness steel ballistic plate, which meets MIL-A-12560 and is of monocoque construction with welded seams. The standard ballistic resistance of the Dragoon is 7.62 mm NATO ball (147 g M80 2,750 ft/s) with a 0.95 probability of no penetration at 0 m and 0º obliquity on all surfaces. Additional armour protection is available that upgrades the protection to 7.62 mm NATO AP (147 g M80 2,800 ft/s) with 0.95 probability of no penetration on the front, rear, sides and top of the vehicle. The driver sat with before left with a man on his line, the compartment crew being in the center; the engine is located at the back of the case on the right (on Cadillac Gage, it is placed on the left), and a passage connects the compartment of the crew to a door opening with the back of the machine. The soldiers enter and leave by two doors located on each side the vehicle, the interior part of these doors folding back itself to form a walk, while the higher part swings on the side. Firing ports with periscopes are arranged on the sides like with the back of the compartment compartment.
The Dragoon is motorized with an Detroit Diesel 6V-53T 6-cylinder engine, liquid-cooled, turbocharged diesel developing 300 bhp at 1,800 rpm, coupled to an Allison Transmission MT-653 DR automatic, with 5 forward and 1 reverse gears. The power pack system allows for the fast and easy removal of the complete engine, transmission, hydraulic, cooling and electrical system. This is removed as a single unit in less than 30 minutes without any loss of operating fluids or Freon from the air conditioning system. Power packs can be quickly exchanged between vehicles without any modifications.
The dragoon, completely amphibian, are propelled in water by its wheels, at a speed of 4,8 km/h, while three drain pumps absorb water infiltrating by the opening of the doors and the trap doors. A fixed Halon fire extinguisher system is installed with direct discharge into the engine compartment, and there are two hand-held Halon fire extinguishers installed in the crew compartment
The basic version can be fitted with a 7,62 mm or 12,7 mm machine gun, or 76 mm or 90 mm gun.
Country users
Thialande, Turkey United States, Venezuela.
Designer Company
Verne Corporation
Fully amphibious without preparation, three electric bilge pumps, self-recovery winch.
Ballistic protection against 7.62 mm caliber.
12,700 kg
116 km/h
885 km
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Verne Dragoon ASV-150 wheeled armoured vehicle US army United States pictures technical data sheet description identification information
Verne Dragoon ASV-150 wheeled armoured vehicle US army United States pictures technical data sheet description identification information
Verne Dragoon ASV-150 wheeled armoured vehicle US army United States pictures technical data sheet description identification information
Verne Dragoon ASV-150 wheeled armoured vehicle US army United States pictures technical data sheet description identification information Verne Dragoon ASV-150 wheeled armoured vehicle US army United States pictures technical data sheet description identification information
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