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Golan APC

Golan Armoured vehicle personnel carrier

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General information
Responding to the need for wheeled armored vehicles for use in asymmetric warfare, RAFAEL developed the Golan Heavy Wheeled Armored vehicle. This 15 ton armored, wheeled troop carrier is configured to accommodate 10 troops in a highly protected environment. Golan has been proposed for the IDF and USMC. Testing of the vehicle began in September 2006. In January 2007 Golan was selected, along with nine other candidates, to compete for the Joint US Marines/NavyArmy Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Program. PVI is leading the team for th MRAP opportunity while RAFAEL is in the lead for Israeli and other overseas sales. On February 23, 2007 the USMC awarded PVI a first order for 60 low rate initial production vehicles, representing the first order for Golan vehicles.
Variants :
No variants on this time.
Technical data 
The vehicle can be equipped with remotely controlled weapon station mounting a machine gun, and optronic equipment, as well as the gunshot detection system.
Personnel compartment
The crew compartment is designed to provide a scaled armor protection system. The maximum protection level includes reactive modular armor tiles while the medium and light levels are based on passive modular armor. All three protection level configurations present the same physical silhouette. In the light and medium level configurations, there are no reactive armor tiles attached to the outer crew compartment structure. In their place, passive armor tiles (that include storage boxes) with an identical outer shape are attached. The V shaped hull and vehicle body has been specifically designed to withstand mines and IED blasts. It is configurable to carry different levels of armor, from light passive armor to heavy reactive armor that can deflect RPGs. When equipped with reactive armor, the vehicle is the only MRAP vehicle able to defeat Explosively Formed Penetrators, the deadliest type of IED.
The vehicle uses an armored monocoque structure. The integrity of this structure provides the strength to absorb the deformations generated by mines and IED blasts. The V shaped hull has a "floating floor" panel to mitigate the blast effects of mines. It thereby provides an optimal solution to protect the crew and vehicle against the identified threats. The vehicle has an effective armor suite to defeat small arms and RPG threats, medium size IED's, 7 kg mines under belly and 14 kg under wheels. The spall liner was eliminated, assuming the efficiency of external armor to prevent hull penetration by most threats. The passive armor utilizes a combination of protection technologies including metals, composites, slat and transparent armor. The maximum protection level includes reactive modular armor tiles while the medium and light levels are based on passive modular armor. Protection from anti-tank rockets (Such as RPGs) can be provided by appliqué reactive armor modules or an active protection system which are "plug-in" add-ons to the basic design. Other "plug-ins" include counter IED and counter sniper systems. The add-on reactive armor system utilizes the Insensitive Explosive Reactive Armor (I-ERA) tiles installed on the side walls. The I-ERA is based on the same technology provided for the US Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The reactive (I-ERA) add-on armor is an insensitive explosive known as Low Burn Rate (LBR) or Low Flammability (LF2) that was approved by both the Israeli Defense Force and the US Army.
Unlike vehicles utilizing off-the-shelf commercial chassis, the Golan does not have a chassis at all. Instead, the 4x4 automotive system axles, and suspensions link directly to the armored structure, which acts as a frame. The Golan is motorized with an Cummins Diesel 315 HP, coupled to an Allison transmission.
The Golan platform may be adapted to serve as an armored personnel carrier, command vehicle, ambulance or intelligence collection vehicle. In the personnel carrier role, it has capacity of up to 10 soldiers.
One 7,62 mm machine gun and/or one 12,7 mm machine gun.
Country users
Israel, United States
2 + 10
Firing gun control system, NBC protection,
Modular armor
15,000 kg
100 km/h
600 km
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