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PsyOps ZFB05

ZFB05 Psy-Ops armoured vehicle
PsyOps wheeled armoured vehicle ZFB05 technical data sheet information description intelligence pictures photos images China Chinese army identification Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing



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Another version of the ZFB05 family, is the PsyOps armoured vehicle. This vehicle uses the same chassis of the basic version of ZFB05, designed and manufactured by the Chinese Defence Company Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles. Psychological Operations (PSYOP, PSYOPS) are techniques used by any set of groups to influence a target audience's value systems, belief systems, emotions, motives, reasoning, or behavior. PSYOPS are used to induce confessions or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator's objectives, and are sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics. Target audiences can be governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. This PsyOps ZFB05 can be used for peace mission.
Variants :
- ZFB05: standard version of the ZFB05 family, light protected vehicle personnel carrier
- ZFB05A
: armoured hatch for the driver and commander at the front of the vehicle, new chassis
- ZFB05 35 mm Grenade Launche: 35 mm grenade launcher is mounted to the roof of the vehicle
- ZFB05 23 mm chain canon:
with a turret armed with a 23 mm canon
- ZFB05G broadcasting vehicle:
speakers mounted to the roof of the vehicle
- ZFB05 anti-riot:
crew compartment with anti-riot water pomp
- ZFB05 ambulance:
the rear compartment is more higher for the transport of wounded soldiers

- ZFB05 Psy Ops: Protected vehicle for Psychological Operations, speaker are mounted to the roof.
- ZFB05 anti-riot disperse vehicle: An higher compartment is mounted at the rear of the vehicle with two gaz disperser systems.
- ZFB08: 6x6 chassis wheeled combat vehicle
Contact Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing Company
Headquarters & International Markets
Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing
Contact: Mr. Wang Baohe (General Manager)
Chuangye Road, 8
Baoji High-Tech Dev. Zone
Boaji City 721006, Shaanxi Province
Tel: +86 917 3321300, 3321301
Fax: +86 917 3321362
Email: wangbaohe(at)

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Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing wheeled armoured vehicle army military vehicle Chinese China defense company industry weapons system production manufacturer distributor designer ZFB05 ZFB08 ZFB05A
Technical Data
There is no armament to the vehicle. The PsyOps ZBF05 wheeled armoured vehicle is equipped with loudspeakers mounted to the roof of the crew compartment. Search lights and video camera are also mounted to the roof of the vehicle. One single camera is also installed to the back side of the vehicle. The camera can be gone up to a 6 meters height, thanks to a telescopic mast. Inside the vehicle, two television screens are available, with recording and data transmission systems.

The PsyOps ZFB05 has an all-steel armored hull, which provides protection against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters. The protection level is the same as the all ZFB05 vehicles family.

The vehicle has adopted Model IVECO-NJ2046 military 4 x 4 cross-country chassis with Model SOFIM 8142.43 87kw turbo-charging inter-cooling diesel motor while the bearing distance is 2800mm,or with Model SOFlM 8142.45 98kw turbo-charging inter-cooling diesel motor while the bearing distance is 3310mm.
There is one single door to each side of the hull, and one to the rear of the vehicle.
Gun gaz launcher, anti-riot 38 mm grenade launcher for self-protection.
Country user
Company Designer
Shaanxi Baoji Vehicle Manufacturing CO, LTD China
GPS, NBC protection system, Nigh/Day driving vision.
2 + 4 soldiers
Protection against small weapons ans shell splinters.
5,500 kg
110 km/h
850 km
Lenght, 4,79 m; Width, 2,060 m; Height, 1,97 m
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PsyOps wheeled armoured vehicle ZFB05 technical data sheet information description intelligence pictures photos images China Chinese army identification Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing
PsyOps wheeled armoured vehicle ZFB05 technical data sheet information description intelligence pictures photos images China Chinese army identification Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing

PsyOps wheeled armoured vehicle ZFB05 technical data sheet information description intelligence pictures photos images China Chinese army identification Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing
PsyOps wheeled armoured vehicle ZFB05 technical data sheet information description intelligence pictures photos images China Chinese army identification Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Manufacturing
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