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M1126 Stryker ICV APC


Stryker M1126 ICV 8x8 APC

Infantry Combat Vehicle - wheeled APC Armored Personnel Carrier vehicle - United States

Stryker ICV M1126 8x8 APC Wheeled Armoured Vehicle infantry personnel carrier US Army United States 925 001


The Stryker M1126 ICV (Infantry Carrier Vehicle) is the infantry armored vehicle personnel carrier variant in the Stryker family. The IAV (Infantry Armored Vehicle) Stryker is a family of 8x8 armored fighting vehicles derived from the wheeled armored vehicle Canadian LAV III, which in turn was based on the Swiss Mowag Piranha III 8x8, and produced by General Dynamics Land Systems, in use by the United States Army and recently by Iraq. The U.S. Army chose the Stryker to have the ability to deploy a brigade anywhere in the world within 96 hours, a division in 120 hours, and five divisions within 30 days. The Stryker M1126 ICV is the infantry armored personnel carrier vehicle version. The vehicle carries a combat squad of 9 soldiers in the rear compartment. According to a representative of General Dynamics Land Systems and the SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) arms trade database, a total of 32 Stryker ICV 8x8 armored infantry carrier vehicles has been delivered to Colombia from 2013 to 2014. On July 26, 2019, the U.S. State Department made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Thailand of 60 Stryker infantry carrier vehicles with equipment and support for an estimated cost of $175 million. In August 2019, it was announced the delivery of 70 Stryker vehicles to the Royal Thai Army. In January 2020, Thai armed forces showcased for the first time their new Stryker armored during a military parade. On January 19, 2023, the United States Department of Defense announced the supply to Ukraine of 100 M1126 Stryker armored vehicles. On June 13, 2023, the U.S. DoD (Department of Defense) the delivery to Ukraine of more Stryker armored vehicles. 

Stryker M1126 APC ICV variants

- M1126 ICV: Infantry Carrier Vehicle (APC). As an APC, the vehicle has a crew of two and can accommodate up to 9 infantry soldiers.
- M1127 (RV): Reconnaissance Vehicle. used by RSTA (Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition) Squadrons and battalion scouts, moving throughout the battlefield to gather and transmit real-time intelligence/surveillance for situational awareness
- M1128 (MGS): Mobile Gun System. Version armed with a 105 mm M68A1 rifled cannon (M68A1E4)
- M1129 (MC): Mortar Carrier. armed with Soltam 120 mm Mortar supports infantry with screening obscurants, suppressive forces and on-call supporting fires (HE, illumination, IR illumination, smoke, precision-guided, and DPICM cluster bombs).
- M1130 (CV): Command Vehicle, provides commanders with communication, data, and control functions to analyze and prepare information for combat missions; can also link to aircraft antenna/power for planning missions.
- M1131 (FSV): Fire Support Vehicle is organic to maneuver companies and provides surveillance and communications (4 secure combat radio nets), with target acquisition identification tracking, the designation being transmitted automatically to the shooting units.
- M1132 (ESV): Engineer Squad Vehicle provides mobility and limited counter mobility support. Integrated into the ESV are obstacle neutralization and lane marking systems and mine detection devices
- M1133 (MEV): Medical Evacuation Vehicle is the Battalion Aid Station for brigade units, providing treatment for serious injury and advanced trauma.
- M1134 (ATGM): Anti-Tank Guided Missile Vehicle is armed with the TOW missile to reinforce the brigade's infantry and reconnaissance, providing long-range antitank fires against armor beyond tank gun effective range.
- M1135 (NBC RV): Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle automatically integrates contamination information from detectors with input from navigation and meteorological systems and transmits digital NBC warning messages to warn follow-on forces.

Technical Data

The Stryker ICV M1126 is equipped with an M151 Kongsberg Protector remote weapon station with a universal soft mount cradle, which can mount either a 0.50-caliber 12.7mm M2 heavy machine gun, MK19 40mm grenade launcher or MK240 7.62mm machine gun. The M151 Protector turret is fully stabilized and provides unmatched observation and engagement capabilities. Detached Line of Sight (DLOS) enables the gunner to keep his sights on the target independent of the ballistic solution for the weapon/ammunition in use. The PROTECTOR is equipped with a thermal imager, color daylight camera, and laser range finder. Two groups of eight smoke-grenade dischargers are mounted to each side of the turret. The latest generation of the M1126 ICVs are now equipped with the CROWS-J (Common Remotely Operated Weapons Station - Javelin anti-tank missile launcher). In conjunction with the Javelin missile, the CROWS II mounts either an M2 .50 caliber machine gun, M240 7.62 mm machine gun, or an MK-19 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. The Javelin is an anti-tank guided missile weapon system developed by the United States and manufactured by Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. The missile is fired from a launcher and uses an infrared seeker to guide itself toward the target. The Javelin has a range of up to 2.5 kilometers and can be used against both stationary and moving targets, including tanks, buildings, and fortifications.
Stryker M1126 ICV APV Inafntry Combat Vehicle 8x8 Armored Personnel Carrier details 925 001
The latest generation of Stryker M1126 ICV are fitted with Javelin anti-tank guided missile
Design and protection
The M1126 Stryker's hull is constructed from high-hardness steel which offers a basic level of protection against 14.5mm rounds on the frontal arc, and all-around protection against 7.62mm ball ammunition. In addition to this, Strykers are also equipped with bolt-on ceramic armor which offers all-around protection against 14.5mm, armor-piercing ammunition, and artillery fragments from 152mm rounds. During the war in Afghanistan, the Stryker vehicle was upgraded with a new v-hull armor kit which increases the protection against land mines and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) The driver is seated at the front of the hull on the left with the power pack to his right.
For its powerpack, the M1126 Stryker uses a Caterpillar diesel engine common in U.S. Army medium-lift trucks, eliminating additional training for maintenance crews and allowing the use of common parts. Because of obsolescence concerns, the Caterpillar 3126 engine was recently replaced by a Caterpillar C7 engine and the Allison 3200SP.
The Stryker M1126 also incorporates an automatic fire-extinguishing system with sensors in the engine and troop compartments that activate one or more halon fire bottles, which can also be activated by the driver, externally mounted fuel tanks and a CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) Warfare system which will keep the crew compartment airtight and positively pressurized. The vehicle commander also has access to a day-night thermal imaging camera which allows the vehicle commander to see what the driver sees. The vehicle commander has almost a 360-degree field of vision; the driver, has a little more than 90 degrees. In addition, the commander vehicle has an FBCB2 (Force XXI battle command brigade and below) digital communications system that allows communication between vehicles through text messaging and a mapped network, as well as with the battalion. The Stryker M1126 can be transported on the ground using trucks or by air on C-17, C-5, and C-130 aircraft. The C-5 and C-17 aircraft can carry seven and four Strykers respectively.


Armament Armor
One 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun or 40mm automatic grenade launcher and one Javelin anti-tank guided missile launcher. V-shaped hull, standard armor against small arms firing and shell splinters, armor protection against IDED and land mines.
Country users Vehicle Weight
Colombia, Irak, Irak, Thailand,  Ukraine, the United States, 16,740 kg
Designer Country Vehicle Speed
United Staes 100 km/h maximum road speed
Accessories Vehicle Range
Central tire inflation, NBC protection system, day/night thermal vision, network map, and communication system 500 km
Crew Vehicle Dimensions
2 + 9 Length: 6.95 m; Width, 2.72 m; Height, 2.64 m

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Stryker M1126 ICV infantry armoured personnel carrier vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images US Army United States American defence industry military technology
 Stryker M1126 ICV infantry armoured personnel carrier vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images US Army United States American defence industry military technology  Stryker M1126 ICV infantry armoured personnel carrier vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images US Army United States American defence industry military technology
 Stryker M1126 ICV infantry armoured personnel carrier vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images US Army United States American defence industry military technology
 Stryker M1126 ICV infantry armoured personnel carrier vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images US Army United States American defence industry military technology

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