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AF902 Type 902 radar

AF902 Artillery fire control system and radar
AF902 Type 902 fire control tracking search radar technical data sheet specifications pictures information description intelligence photos images video identification air defense system China army industry military technology Norinco
The AF902 is a fire control system and search/tracking radar designed and manufactured in China by the Company NORINCO. The system is used with the Type 90 35mm anti-aircraft twin-gun or the SHORAD TY-90 or PL-9C missiles. The AF902 has two tracking systems, target searching radar and an electro-optical passive tracking director. The electro-optical tracking system uses high-resolution optical/infrared TV for passive tracking in clear weather. The advantage of continuing tracking without emitting radar signals increases its survivability when facing enemy anti-radiation missiles (ARMs). The AF902 can be ready to be used in 8 minutes and leave his combat position in less than 5 minutes.
- No variants at this time.
Technical Data
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The AF902 fire control system/radar is a small shelter that houses the console and a two-operator crew. The operational console employs advanced and user-friendly man-machine interface technology that realizes clear and real time air situation awareness and, easy tactical and technical operation of the two operators. Mounted on the roof, there is a search/tracking radar and a television camera. The trailer also houses the crew of two.
Radar and command systems
The AF902 fire control system and radar integrates advanced X-band search radar, C-band search/tracking radar and Ka-band tracking radar with TV/IR tracking system, IFF and various latest electro-optical technologies, thus guarantees superior multi-target engagement capability, accurate and longer range tracking capability against ultra-low level and small-RCS target, short system reaction time, good all-weather engagement capability, ECCM capability and LPI characteristic, quick system positioning and deployment capability, and excellent reliability as well. The X-Band search radar has a maximum detection range of 22 km for fighter aircraft and 9 km for cruise missile. The C-Band search and tracking radar ad maximum detection range of 32 km for fighter aircraft and 13 km for cruise missile, and tracking range of 32 km for fighter aircraft and 13 km for cruise missile. The Ka-Band tracking radar has a maximum range of 15 km for fighter aircraft and 6 km for cruise missile.
AF902 Type 902 fire control tracking search radar technical data sheet specifications pictures information description intelligence photos images video identification air defense system China army industry military technology NorincoInside view of AF902 fire control system/radar
The AF902 fire control system/radar is mounted on a trailer with two axles. The trailer is towed by a military truck.
Combat use
Besides autonomous air situation awareness and air target engagement capability with firepower of AA guns and/or SHORAD missiles thereof, AF902 fire control system can also exchange local air picture with superior operational command system through data link and combat cooperatively with other friendly air defence systems.
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Fire control radar
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Power supply
Petrol generator
The system is mounted to a 4 wheels trailer.
Radar systems
Search and tracking radar
Range radar
8 km
Details View
AF902 Type 902 fire control tracking search radar technical data sheet specifications pictures information description intelligence photos images video identification air defense system China army industry military technology Norinco
AF902 Type 902 fire control tracking search radar technical data sheet specifications pictures information description intelligence photos images video identification air defense system China army industry military technology Norinco
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