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Cougar JERRV 4x4

Cougar JERRV 4x4 EOD Joint Explosive Disposal Rapid Response Vehicle
Cougar 4x4 JERRV EOD Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images US Army United States American defence industry military technology Mine Resistant Ambush Protected MRAP Category II

The Cougar Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicle (JERRV) 4x4 is a member of the Cougar 4x4 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Family of Vehicles (FOV) which is capable of transporting personnel and cargo within the current theater of operations. The JERRV EOD 4x4 is a versatile, diesel powered, pneumatic tired, heavily armored, multi-purpose vehicle equipped with a 360-degree automatic weapons mount that is urgently needed by Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom to increase their survivability against Improvised Explosive Devices (IED). JERRV EOD 4x4 s are also required for contingency operations in support of the Global War on Terrorism by Engineer Mine Clearing teams against IEDs. Currently, 9 vehicles Cougar JERRV 4x4 are in services with the United States Marine Corps. The JERRV version of Cougar 4x4 is classed as Category II Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle while the standard version of Cougar 4x4 is category I MRAP.


- Cougar H 4x4
- Cougar HEV 4x4

- Cougar 4x4 ENGR

- Cougar JERRV EOD 4x4 CAT I A1:
- Cougar 4x4 IBPM
- Cougar 4x4 LSB
- Cougar 4x4 A2 ECP
- Cougar 4x4 RT
- Cougar 4x4 ISS

Technical Data
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The Cougar HEV 4x4 is fitted with a ring mount turret which can be armed with a 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm Heavy Machine Gun.
Design and protection

The JERRV EOD 4x4 has adequate armor protection and possesses the capability to carry all required EOD equipment. The Cougar JERRV 4x4 has a V-shaped hull, that extends to the engine bay which increase the protection for the crew against blast forces of IEDs or land mines explosions. The vertical armor will stop 7.62 x 51mm ball ammunition, and the windows will stop AP. The vehicles can withstand up to 30lbs. TNT under any wheel or 15lbs. under the V-shaped centerline. Among the minor differences between the Cougar and the JERRV, the Cougar has firing ports while the JERRV does not.

The Cougar JERRV use a 4x4 chassis and it is powered by a Caterpillar C-7 diesel engine that can give 330hp at 2,400rpm and a torque of 860ft lbf at 1,450rpm with an operational range of 675 km. The transmission of the Cougar H 4x4 is an Allison 3500 SP series and the front and rear axles are Marmon-Herrington MT-17 and R-17 respectively.
The EOD vehicles carry an assortment of EOD equipment, such as bomb disposal robots, and all the other gear needed for EOD work, including 70-pound bomb suits. The JERRV also has multiple optical camera capabilities providing day and night vision, as well as forward looking infra-red technology that allows better visibility of the surroundings. The JERRV air conditioning system has been criticized. It recirculates air in the passenger compartment which does not work well in the extreme heat of Iraq and Afghanistan.
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One 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun
Country user
United States
Designer Country
United States
Self-recovery winch, central tire inflation, NBC filter, spare tires
Troop seating
1 + 3
V-shaped hull, standard armour against small arms firing and shell splinters, armour protection against IDED and land mines.
14,288 kg
110 km/h maximum speed on road
675 km
Dimensions (IN)
Lenght, 6.19 m; Width, 2.64 m; Height, 3.09 m
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Cougar 4x4 JERRV EOD Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images US Army United States American defence industry military technology Mine Resistant Ambush Protected MRAP Category II
Cougar 4x4 JERRV EOD Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicle technical data sheet specifications information description intelligence identification pictures photos images US Army United States American defence industry military technology Mine Resistant Ambush Protected MRAP Category II



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