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BMD-4 BMD-3M Bakhcha

BMD-4 BMD-3M "BAKHCHA" airborne infantry combat armoured vehicle
BMD-4 BMD-3M Bakhcha airborne infantry combat armoured vehicle technical data sheet information description pictures photos images identification intelligence Russia Russian army
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The BMD-4 or BMD-3M Bakhcha is an airborne infantry combat armored vehicle that entered into service with Russian paratroops units in 2005. The BMD-4 is designed and produced by the Russian Company Kurganmashzavod. This vehicle uses the BMD-3 chassis but carries a significantly more powerful armament. In some cases, the BMD-4 can replace main battle tanks and artillery units with its firepower during landing operations. Some older BMD-3s are being upgraded to BMD-4, while the low-rate production of new vehicles continues. In 2008 Russian Air Borne Forces (VDV) commissioned about 30 new BMD-4. According to the Commander of VDV general-lieutenant Valery EvtuhovichC VDV already had one battalion equipped with BMD-4. Further modernization of the machine was underway. From 2009 it is planned to begin batch production of upgraded BMD-4 for airborne forces at the Kurganmashzavod. According to the governmental rearmament program to 2015, Kurganmashzavod. will produce and deliver not only BMD-4 and its modifications but also new perspective vehicles. In terms of firepower, the BMD-4 is the most heavily armed vehicle in the world in its class.
Variants :
BMD-4M: Modernized BMD-4, specific power block and running gear are changed on batch ones used in BMP-3.
Technical data
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The main armament of the BMD-4 (BMD-3M) is composed of one 100-mm gun and a coaxial 30-mm canon. The main gun of 100 mm is equipped with an autoloader of guided and unguided HEF artillery projectiles and Arkan anti-tank guided missiles. Additional armament consists of a 7.62-mm and 5.45-mm machine guns.
The turret is made in steel and the hull is aluminium. The turret and the hull provide the crew protection against the firing of small weapons and shell splinters on the battlefield. The BMD-4 can be also fitted with additional armor
The BMD-4 is powered by the 2V-60-2 diesel engine, developing 450 hp. The hydropneumatic suspension of the BMD-4 is adjustable to give a ground clearance of between 130 mm and 530 mm, although normal road clearance is 450 mm. The suspension of the BMD-4 is composed of 6 small road wheels and 4 track-return rollers, on each side of the chassis. The drive sprocket is mounted at the rear and idler at the front.
The BMD-4 is fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems. The vehicle can be Para dropped with all the crew inside, thus saving time for the assembly after landing. The BMD-4 is fully amphibious and can fire all its weapons afloat at sea worthiness 2. In the water, the BMD-4 is propelled by two water jets, mounted to each side, back of the hull.
One 100 mm and 30 mm guns, the 100 mm gun can fire anti-tank guided missiles, and one machine gun 7,62 mm
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Modern fire control systems, panoramic commander TV sight, digital computer, and tracker system.
3 + 5 soldiers
Steel and aluminum
13,200 kg
70 km on road, 10 km on water
500 km
Length, 6,36 m; Width, 6,1 m; Height, 2,45 m
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BMD-4 BMD-3M Bakhcha airborne infantry combat armoured vehicle technical data sheet information description pictures photos images identification intelligence Russia Russian army
BMD-4 BMD-3M Bakhcha airborne infantry combat armoured vehicle technical data sheet information description pictures photos images identification intelligence Russia Russian army
BMD-4 BMD-3M Bakhcha airborne infantry combat armoured vehicle technical data sheet information description pictures photos images identification intelligence Russia Russian army

BMD-4 BMD-3M Bakhcha airborne infantry combat armoured vehicle technical data sheet information description pictures photos images identification intelligence Russia Russian army
BMD-4 BMD-3M Bakhcha airborne infantry combat armoured vehicle technical data sheet information description pictures photos images identification intelligence Russia Russian army
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