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Wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier Ukraine

BTR 3DA 8x8 APC wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier Ukraine Ukrainian army defense industry 925 001


The BTR-3DA is an improved version of the Ukrainian-made BTR-3 8x8 armoured vehicle personnel carrier designed and manufactured in Ukraine by the Company Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau. The vehicle is mainly used to transport mechanized infantry troops on the battlefield and to provide fire support in combat actions. The BTR-3DA is based on the Russian-made BTR-80 8x8 armoured vehicle with a new design compared to the previous version of the BTR-3 family. The BTR-3DA is motorized with a new engine and transmission. In October 2017, defence-blog has announced that armed forces of Ukraine has ordered a first batch of BTR-3DA to the Company Kyiv Armored Plant.

BTR-3DA variants:

- BTR-3U "Hunter": initially known as BTR-94K. As described.
- BTR-3U Guardian: version for UAE Marines with "Buran-N1" turret.
- BTR-3E: with new UTD-20 engine.
- BTR-3E1: latest version with BM-3 "Shturm" turret and new engine MTU 6R106TD21[2]
- BTR-3E ARV: recovery vehicle with winch, crane and dozer blade.
- BTR-3E 90: heavy fire support vehicle with 90mm Cockerill main gun

Technical Data

The BTR-3DA is fitted with a BM-3M "Shturm-M" weapon station which is armed with one ZTM-1 30mm automatic cannon able to fire APT (Armor-Piercing Tracer)and APIT (Armor-Piercing Incendiary Tracer) ammunition at a maximum range of 2,000m and HEI (High-Explosive Incendiary) and FT ammunition at a maximum range of 4,000m. A 7.62mm PKT machine gun is mounted to the left of the main armament. Second armament includes 30mm automatic grenade launcher KBA-117 (AG-117) and three smoke grenade discharger mounted on each side at the front of the turret. Two launchers of the Barrier Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) which can be used to destroy combat vehicle with composite armor, active protection system, spaced armor or explosive reactive armor (ERA), and is capable of penetrating 800mm of Rolled Homogenous Armor (RHA) behind ERA. It has a range from 100 to 5,000m.
BTR 3DA 8x8 APC wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier Ukraine Ukrainian army defense industry details 001
Close view of BTR-3DA turret
Design and protection
The layout of the BTR-3DA is very similar to the Russian-made BTR-80 8x8 armoured personnel carrier but with some specific features. The hull of the BTR-3DA is of all-welded steel armour construction offering protection against firing of small arms and artillery shell splinters. The body of the vehicle is higher than the BTR-80, there are two hatches at the front of the turret. The commander on the right side has a single-piece hatch cover that opens to the front. The driver on the left side has a single-piece hatch cover that opens at a 45º angle towards the centre of the vehicle. Both the commander and driver have a window to their front which is covered in combat by an armoured hatch cover hinged at the top. The BTR-3DA has a crew of three including driver, commander and gunner and the rear part of the hull can accommodate 6 infantrymen. There is one single door on each side of the hull between the second and third axles, the upper part of which opens to the front while the lower part folds down to form a step. There is three storage boxes mounted on the rear left side of the troops compartment. The first storage box is used to store an auxiliary power unit.
The BTR-3DA is based on 8x8 chassis powered by a modern water-cooled four stroke 6-cylinder V-Diesel engine Deutz BF6M 1015CP coupled to a 3200SP Allison transmission. The vehicle can run at a maximum speed of 104 km/h. Due to the new engine, there is a large exhaust at the rear right side of the hull.
The turret of the BTR-3DA is equipped with identification system able to detect target in day condition at a maximum range of 5,000m. It has also a Panorama-2B panoramic observation system mounted on the left side of the turret. There is also an optoelectronic module with television and thermal imaging channels, allowing to conduct military operations at day and night in all weather conditions. The BTR-3DA is fully amphibious and propelled in the water by a single water-jet located at the rear of the hull. Before entering the water the trim vane is erected at the front of the vehicle, the drain valves are closed and locked, the tire pressure is lowered and the cover over the water-jet system is opened. Standard equipment of the BTR-3DA includes an overpressure NBC system, night vision equipment and a central tire-pressure regulation system. Commander position has three forward- day periscopes while driver has three forward- and one side-facing day periscope. The front of the vehicle is fitted with a power-operated winch which is provided with 50 m of cable and has a capacity of six tones which can be increased with the aid of a pulley to 12 tones.


Armament Armor
One 30mm automatic cannon, one 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, one 30mm automatic grenade launcher and two launchers for anti-tank guided missile Protection against firing of small arms and artillery shell splinters
Country users Weight
Ukraine 16,500 kg
Designer Country Speed
Ukraine 104 km/h
Accessories Range
Identification, panoramic sight view, thermal imaging system, day and night vision, laser range finder, NBC protection system, and central tire-pressure regulation system 600 km
Crew Dimensions
3 + 6 Length: 7.65 m; Width: 2.9 m; Height: 2.86 m

Details View

BTR 3DA 8x8 APC wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier Ukraine Ukrainian army defense industry front view 001
BTR 3DA 8x8 APC wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier Ukraine Ukrainian army defense industry rear view 001
BTR 3DA 8x8 APC wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier Ukraine Ukrainian army defense industry left side view 001
BTR 3DA 8x8 APC wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier Ukraine Ukrainian army defense industry right side view 001

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