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No-dong-A No-Dong-1 Rodong 1

No-Dong-A or No-Dong-1 Rodong 1 Tactical ballistic missile 
No-Dong-A No Dong 1 Rodong-1 technical data sheet specifications information description video pictures photos images intelligence identification intelligence North Korea Korean army defence industry military technology 10x10 truck
The No-Dong-A (also named No-Dong 1 or Rodong 1) is a medium range ballistic missile based on the technology of the Russian-made ballistic missile Scud-D. This system was developed by the North Korean defence industry. A prototype was detected on a launch pad in May 1990. Test flights did not begin until May 29-30, 1993, with an apparently successful launch 500 km into the Sea of Japan. technology has been exported. Variants are believed to be the basis for Iran's Shahab-3 and Pakistan's Ghauri missiles. The first production model was started in 1997. It was estimated in the summer of 2006 by the South Korean, National Intelligence Service that North Korea had deployed or produced at least 450 No-dong-A's.
Technical Data
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Launcher unit
The missile is carried on a truck similar to the Russian-made MAZ-543 but with 10 wheels. The missile is raised to the vertical position at the back of the TEL before launch.
Some aspects of the No-dong-A seems to bear a close design resemblance to the early Soviet SS-N-4/R-13 and SS-N-5/R-21 (SLBM) Submarine-launched Ballistic Missile designs. The Soviet R-13, known in the West as the SS-N-4, used one Isayev S2.713 engine with larger 1.3 m diameter tankage from the Scud 0.88 m diameter tankage design and warhead separation from the missile body. This missile had a launch weight of 13,745 kg, a range of 560 km and a body diameter of 1.3 meters. And the R-21, designated the SS-N-5 used the four thrust chamber Isayev S-5.38 higher thrust engine and more tankage with perhaps a airframe material tankage materials change and rearranged propellant tanks along with warhead separation. With a body diameter of 1.4 m, this missile had a launch mass of nearly 19,653 kg. with a range of 1,420 km. The No-Dong-A missile has a range of approximately 1,000 - 1,300 km. The accuracy of the missile is believed to be 2,000 - 4,000 m CEP when deployed at maximum range. The No-dong-A has a reported mass of 15,200-16,000 kilograms, with a diameter of 1.32-1.35 m's and a length of 15.895 m. The missile can be equipped with a 1,200 kg separating warhead that can deploy 800 kg of HE-unitary, chemical, submunitions, biological, or medium-yield nuclear weapons. A nuclear warhead development program was started in 1990 which may include warheads for the No Dong missiles. A North Korean statement in 2002 suggested that their scientists had assembled between 2 and 5 nuclear warheads; potentially, some of those were fitted to the No Dong 1 missiles.
Guidance system
The missile is presumed to use an inertial guidance system but may be upgraded with a more accurate Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system.
Combat use
The No-Dong-A can be used against large, soft targets like cities, airports, or harbors. Its range is sufficient to put parts of Japan within range.
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Type of missile
medium range ballistic missile
Country users
North Korea
mobile truck transporter - erector - launcher
nuclear, chemical, conventional HE, submunitions
Vehicle weight
? kg
Effective range
1,000 to 1,300 km.
2,000 - 4,000 CEP
Inertial system and upgrade with GPS system
Dimensions vehicle
Length, ? m; Width, ? m; Height, ? m
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No-Dong-A No Dong 1 Rodong-1 technical data sheet specifications information description video pictures photos images intelligence identification intelligence North Korea Korean army defence industry military technology 10x10 truck
No-Dong-A No Dong 1 Rodong-1 technical data sheet specifications information description video pictures photos images intelligence identification intelligence North Korea Korean army defence industry military technology 10x10 truck
No-Dong-A No Dong 1 Rodong-1 technical data sheet specifications information description video pictures photos images intelligence identification intelligence North Korea Korean army defence industry military technology 10x10 truck
No-Dong-A No Dong 1 Rodong-1 technical data sheet specifications information description video pictures photos images intelligence identification intelligence North Korea Korean army defence industry military technology 10x10 truck No-Dong-A No Dong 1 Rodong-1 technical data sheet specifications information description video pictures photos images intelligence identification intelligence North Korea Korean army defence industry military technology 10x10 truck
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