The Udaloy I class was developed by the Northern Design Bureau in the 1970ies. According to the original tactical and technical specifications the class was designed to adress deficiencies found in project 1135 frigates (notably the lack of helicopters and a weak sonar). Project 1155 were originaly very highly specialized anti-submarine vessel, not designed to serve as defense or anti-surface vessels. As a result, anti-aircraft and anti-ship armament of the first ships of the class was limited to self-defense.
This class saw relatively little operational use during the 1990ies. Increased funding has permitted an increasing number of refits and ships of the class are now more balanced in terms of weapons and much more extensively employed in operations.
The combat system is named Lesorub-5. Four vertical launchers for the Kinzhal SAM system have a combined rate of fire of up to 24 rounds per minute and are located on the raised portion of the forecastle, two more are disposed athwartships in the small deckhouse between the torpedo tubes, and two are arranged fore and aft in the deckhouse between the RBU-6000 ASW RL mounts; each rotating cylinder holds eight missiles. All normally carry four antiship and four antisubmarine torpedoes in the 533-mm tubes; there are no reloads.
The two hangars are side by side and use inclined elevator ramps to raise the aircraft to the flight deck; the hangar roofs slide forward in two segmented sections to clear the rotors. From the third unit on, the helicopter deck was wider, extending to the sides of the ship. Two Privod (Round House) TACAN radomes are mounted on yards on the after mast, while the Fly Screen microwave landing-control radar is beside the starboard hangar. Four ASW torpedoes, 72 air-dropped rocket-propelled depth charges, and 20 standard depth charges can be carried for the helicopters.
The EW suite is incomplete, with several empty platforms on the after mast, except for Severomorsk, which has four Foot Ball (Start-series) radomes on the after mast. Vitse-Admiral Kulakov was to have had the radar suite updated to later class standard during her current, protracted overhaul. Marshal Shapashnikov still lacks the antenna for the MR-320M Topaz-V air-search radar atop the foremast.
The head of class, Udaloy was laid down in July 1977 and decommissioned in 1997.
In total, 8 Udaloy class anti-submarine destroyers remain in service in Russian Navy's Northern and Pacific fleets while 12 vessels of this class were completed in total.
Hull Number
In service date
Vitse-Admiral Kulakov
Jan. 1982
Admiral Tributs
Dec. 1985
Marshal Shaposhnikov
Dec. 1985
Dec. 1987
Admiral Levchenko
Sep. 1988
Admiral Vinogradov
Dec. 1988
Admiral Kharlamov
Dec. 1989
Admiral Panteleyev
Dec. 1991
Udaloy-II class (Project 1155.1 Fregat II): Improved version with emphasis on anti-surface capability to make it a multi-purpose destroyer.
The class was originally supposed to have a more-powerful propulsion plant totaling 72,000 shp, but the intended boost turbine component was not developed. Either cruise turbine can drive either or both shafts via a common gearbox. Maximum propeller rpm is 327. Have automated controls for the propulsion and auxiliary plants. Fitted with retractable fin stabilizers. The sonar dome is 30 m long and 5.1 m wide and imposes a considerable performance penalty. In overload condition, up to 1,700 tons of fuel can be carried.
Anti-ship missiles: 8x URK-5 Rastrub (SS-N-14 Silex) ASW and antiship SSM (2 quadruple KT-100 launchers; 8 Type 83R and 83RUS missiles);
Anti-air missiles: 8x Kinzhal (SA-N-9) (8 8-round PU 4S-95 VLS; 64 9M-330 Tor M1/Gauntlet missiles)