Produced by Kongsberg, the Naval Strike Missile (NSM) and the Joint Strike Missile (JSM) are autonomous, long-range, precision missiles designed to engage high-value, well-defended targets at sea and ashore. The NSM can be launched from vessels or coastal systems while the JSM was specifically designed to be air launched.
NSM The NSM is in series production for the Norwegian Navy, the Fridtjof Nansen class frigates and Skjold class coastal corvettes, and the Polish Navy Coastal Squadron system. Deliveries for the platforms are scheduled for 2011-2014.
The NSM is the only 5th generation long range precision strike missile in existence today. The missile combines unsurpassed penetration capability due to “low observable” shape, super sea skim, high-G random maneuvers and I3R (intelligent imaging infra red) seeker with Autonomous Target Recognition (ATR) providing programmable hit-point and optimized fuze-setting,
JSM Kongsberg is in the process of developing the JSM – Joint Strike Missile, in response to the requirement to equip aircraft platforms to counter both sea and land targets.
The JSM missile is primarily designed for operations from fixed wing aircraft platforms. Concept studies are under way to establish the requirements related to other platforms. F-35 partner nations have expressed great interest in the new missile, some of the partner nations are funding work for integration of the JSM to the F-35.
NSM Ship Launched: Anti-ship and land attack, ship launched missile in use on Fridtjof Nansen class frigates and Skjold class coastal corvettes of the Royal Norwegian Navy.
NSM Coastal Defence system: The NSM Coastal Defence System (NSM CDS) is designed for high precision strike missions against high threat targets or highly defended targets at sea or on land at ranges from 3 km to 200 km and above.
The NSM CDS is composed of the following major items: • The Fire Distribution Centre (FDC) providing Battle Management Command Control Communication Computers and Information (BMC4I). • Sea surveillance and tracking radar - customer selectable (optional). • The Naval Strike Missile (NSM) Launcher Fire unit, a canister protected weapon platform with the NSM missile
The NSM CDS has been selected by Poland.
JSM Air Launched: Multi-role, air launched version of the Naval Strike Missile. It is designed in order to fit inside the F-35/JSF weapon bays but it will also be made available for other platforms such as the Gripen NG or Maritime Patrol Aircrafts.