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Russian made Mi-171Sh helicopter deliveries to Peru Defence Ministry completed 2510111.

| 2011
World Aviation Industry News - Russian Helicopters
Russian made Mi-171Sh helicopter deliveries to Peru Defence Ministry completed.
In September 2011 the second batch of 3 Mi-171Sh military transports was delivered to the Defence Ministry of Peru under a contract signed by Rosoboronexport, JSC in 2010 for the delivery of 6 Mi-171Sh helicopters. Helicopter manufacturer - Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAP), part of Russian Helicopters. The first batch of 3 Mi-171Sh helicopters was delivered to Peru in May 2011.
Ulan-Ude/25 October 2011 - In September 2011 the second batch of 3 Mi-171Sh military transports was delivered to the Defence Ministry of Peru under a contract signed by Rosoboronexport, JSC in 2010 for the delivery of 6 Mi-171Sh helicopters. Helicopter manufacturer - Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAP), part of Russian Helicopters. The first batch of 3 Mi-171Sh helicopters was delivered to Peru in May 2011.
Russian made Mi-171Sh helicopter of Peruvian Air Force

Technical equipment for operations support of the helicopters was shipped to the customer together with the rotorcraft.

The helicopters and equipment were delivered to Peru by cargo giant Antonov An-124 "Ruslan". After delivery all three helicopters successfully passed acceptance tests, and the Ministry of Defence of Peru accepted the rotorcraft for operation.

As of today, the Russian side has performed all its obligations related to the delivery of helicopters and their equipment. The contract will be deemed fulfilled after the warranty period for all helicopters runs out. UUAP specialists are working in Peru to look after warranty liabilities.

As with the first three, the second batch of Mi-171Sh helicopters will be used to combat drug trafficking, and other actions in the interests of the Peru Armed Forces.

The multi-role Mi-171Sh rotorcraft delivered under the present contract are equipped with modern systems enhancing their combat performance, a number of avoidance means for major systems and crew, as well as radar and instrument equipment allowing operations in adverse weather, day and night. The helicopters are equipped with two sliding doors and an electohydraulic ramp, allowing 26 people to disembark from the helicopter within 7-8 seconds.

Pursuant to the wishes of the customer the delivered rotorcraft were painted in the livery of the Armed Forces of Peru.

Peru has been operating UUAP-manufactured Russian rotorcraft for over 10 years. Some civil operators have Mi-171 helicopters in their fleet. These have highly esteemed the Russian helicopters, particularly commenting on their outstanding performance, reliability, ease of operation and maintenance, capability to operate in difficult weather and climate. The military note the versatility of the Mi-171Sh, its great performance. These rotorcraft have proven very capable in a number of local military conflicts, in anti-terror and police operations, as well as search and rescue missions.

The number of Central and Latin American countries where UUAP-made Mi-171 and Mi-171Sh helicopters are operated is growing constantly. In 2010 the Mi-171A1 won the tender of Brazilian giant Petrobras to work in the Amazon basin. UUAP is currently also building helicopters for other countries under existing contracts.

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