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Avgur RosAeroSistemy to create new military airships for Russian Arctic troops.

| 2015
World Defense & Security News - Russia
Avgur RosAeroSistemy to create new military airships for Russian Arctic troops
A 16-ton lifting capacity balloon, adapted to operation in the Arctic, will be created for the Russian Defense Ministry, Mikhail Talesnikov, commercial director of the Avgur RosAeroSistemy Company, the project developer, has reported.
Avgur RosAeroSistemy to create new military airships for Russian Arctic troops 640 001Avgur RosAeroSistemy's Atlant-100 airship project
"This is a three-year program the work on which is due to start next year. At issue is creation for the Russian Defense Ministry of the Atlant A-30 balloon developmental prototype," specified a company official at the Arctic, the Present and the Future forum held in Petersburg.

According to the developers, the balloon can resist the temperature down to minus 55 degrees Centigrade, a wind up to 30 m/s, and develop a speed from 120 to 160 km/h. In addition, it features an outstanding endurance and can take off and touch down on unprepared surface, including ice and water.

"The balloon can also be used year round as a habitation module, serving for instance as a hospital, base, etc." Talesnikov said.

The Avgur RosAeroSistemy Holding Company has developed two modifications of such balloons, A-30 with a 16 ton lifting capacity and A-100 capable of lifting up to 60 tons of cargo. It is expected that the first one will be ready for demonstration to the customers in 2019, and the second in 2020.
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