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Flight tests campaign of the MiG-35 to start in the coming months.

| 2016
World Defense & Security News - Russia
Flight tests campaign of the MiG-35 to start in the coming months
The flight tests of Russia’s Mikoyan MiG-35 multipurpose fighter jet will start in the coming months and last through 2017, General Designer and Vice-President for Innovation at the United Aircraft-Manufacturing Corporation Sergei Korotkov said. "The fighter jet will be assembled soon. After that, it will start undergoing flight tests in accordance with the schedule," Korotkov said.
Flight tests campaign of the MiG 35 to start in the coming months 640 001RAC MiG's MiG-35 fighter aircraft
(Credit: RAC MiG)
"In late summer, the plane will start undergoing state trials under the [Russian] Defense Ministry’s program. The trials will last through next year," he added. When the flight tests are completed, a contract for the serial delivery of MiG-35 fighter jets to Russia’s Aerospace Force can be signed, he added.

The MiG Corporation has expected to sign a contract for the serial delivery of MiG-35 fighter jets to Russia’s Defense Ministry for several years.

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said earlier that 30 MiG-35 fighter jets were expected to be delivered to the Armed Forces under the 2020 state armament program.

Russian Aerospace Force Commander-in-Chief Viktor Bondarev said later that the delivery of MiG-35 fighter jets to the Armed Forces would start in 2018.

Russia’s Mikoyan MiG-35 multipurpose fighter jet will be equipped with the advanced BINS-SP2 navigation system, First Deputy CEO of Russia’s Radio-Electronic Technologies Group (KRET) Igor Nasenkov said. The BINS-SP2 system is an adapted version of the navigation system that has been developed by KRET and is designed for shipborne aircraft, he added.

According to the first deputy CEO, KRET has approved the entire design documentation on the LINS-100RS system that is mounted on the MiG-29K/KUB (Fulcrum) shipborne aircraft.

The MiG-35 fighter jet will receive an adapted version of this system, which has been designated as BINS-SP2.
This navigation system is noiseless and strong and does not require special maintenance.

The navigation system is expected to be fully adapted to the MiG-35 fighter jet in the summer of 2016. According to Nasenkov, the work is on schedule.
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