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Ilyushin eyes numerous variants of PAK VTA military airlifter.

| 2016
World Aviation Defense & Security Industry News - Ilyushin
Ilyushin eyes numerous variants of PAK VTA military airlifter
The Ilyushin Company, a subsidiary of the United Aircraft Corporation, is developing several variants of the advanced heavy military transport aircraft (Russian acronym: PAK VTA, Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Voyenno-Transportnoi Aviatsii), according to the Director General of the enterprise, Sergei Velmozhkin.
Ilyushin eyes numerous variants of future PAK VTA military airlifter 640 001A conceptual aircraft called PAK VTA illustrated by Alexey Komarov, Customer and Technical Manager at Volga-Dnepr Group
(Credit: Vimeo/Alexey Komarov)
"We are considering several options to equip the PAK VTA aircraft with modern jet engines. The industry has already commenced the development of the PD-23 engine under the relevant program. The PAK VTA aircraft powered by such engines will have a payload of 100 t. If a customer is willing to get a military transport aircraft with a payload of about 80 t, the plane will receive the PS-90A1 engines," Velmozhkin said.

The Russian military has yet to formulate the requirements to the Il-106 [Russia`s designation of the PAK VTA plane] military transport aircraft that is supposed to have a payload of 80-100 t.

Previously, the Designer General of the Ilyushin Company, Nikolai Talikov said that the aircraft would resemble the Il-76 (NATO reporting name: Candid) military transport aircraft. The plane would be able to land at the unpaved aerodromes, he added.
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