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Jordan receives final batch of UH-60M helicopters.

| 2018

Jordan Armed Forces officially received the final shipment of new UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters from the United States, bringing the total to 12 aircraft received over the last nine months. The helicopters will strengthen the JAF, its Quick Reaction Force, and Jordan’s security, the US Embassy in Amman stated.

Jordan accepts final batch of UH 60M helicopters 640 001 RJAF's UH-60M helicopters
(Credit: US Embassy in Amman)

The U.S. Congress allocated $470 million in 2017 to the JAF and RJAF. This included pilot and maintenance training, spares, ground equipment, weapons, ammunition and shelters for the UH-60M Black Hawks, it added.

Three years ago, Washington said it would increase overall US assistance to Jordan from $660 million to $1 billion annually for between 2015 and 2017.

"These 12 Black Hawk aircraft along with our continued economic, development, and security assistance will enable Jordan to achieve its strategic objectives, enhance bilateral security ties & help stabilize the region," said Henry Wooster, chargé d'affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Amman

"The U.S. remains committed to supporting the JAF’s efforts to protect Jordan’s borders, deter aggression, counter acts of terrorism, assist in civil defense, and contribute to Defeat-ISIS coalition operations," he added.




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