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TsAGI completes Ansat helicopter upgraded rotor testing.

| 2018

The Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) completed the research of the new aerodynamic scheme of the lifting rotor of Ansat helicopter serially produced by Kazan plant of Russian Helicopters Holding. The rotor will increase the lifting capacity by 150-200 kg, the holding said.

TsAGI completes Ansat helicopter upgraded rotor testing 001 Ansat model being used by the TsAGI laboratory for upgraded rotor testing
(Credit: TsAGI)

TsAGI tested the model in a subsonic tube at the flow speed of 40 to 80 km/h under various angles of attack. The result showed the new scheme improved aerodynamic characteristics. The output factor increased 5 percent and the thrust rose 200-250 kg. The load on helicopter controls did not increase. The tests were held together with Kazan helicopter plant.

"We are grateful to TsAGI colleagues for the work to improve flight characteristics of Ansat helicopter. It is a key craft for the holding in the segment of light helicopters and we shall expand its capabilities in close cooperation with TsAGI and other partners," Russian Helicopters CEO Andrey Boginsky said.

"Research is underway now to decrease the noise of the helicopter. Next step will be modernization of the aerodynamic scheme of the lifting rotor. The lifting capacity will increase by 400-450 kg and Ansat will be unprecedented in the world by the indicator," head of the TsAGI aerodynamic helicopter and aircraft unit Oleg Kirillov said.

TsAGI is also designing a new aerodynamic scheme of the torque rotor to increase flight safety.

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