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Turkey sold strike missile to Azerbaijan.

| 2018

Turkey has reportedly sold its SOM air-launched stand-off strike missile to the Azerbaijan Air Force (AzAF). Roketsan is the prime contractor for the SOM.

Turkey sold strike missile to Azerbaijan Roketsan Stand-Off Missile for the Joint Strike Fighter (SOM-J) (Picture source: Roketsan)

Azerbaijan displayed the SOM during a military parade in Baku, according to local media sources. The SOM is for use against heavily defended, high-value targets such as surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites, aircraft, strategic assets, command and control centers, and naval vessels.

The SOM is available in four different versions: the SOM-A, SOM-J, SOM-B1, and SOM-B2. The basic version is powered by a turbojet and has a range of more than 250 kilometers.

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