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Kratos awarded $4.9 Million sole-source contract options for drone mission kits and missile RF subsystems.

| 2020

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, a leading National Security Solutions provider, announced today that Kratos has recently received sole-source option awards for electronic system mission kits to support U.S. drone operations and follow-on production orders for RF subsystems for a major missile program.

Kratos awarded 4.9 Million sole source contract options for drone mission kits and missile RF subsystems XQ-58A Valkyrie (Picture source: Kratos)

Kratos won the original competitive drone contract in 2018 for design and development with future production option years as the sole-source provider. The system is now in its second production year. For the missile program, several thousand of these subsystem units have been produced by Kratos for this major missile platform for over 15 years. In recent years the quantities have been increasing with potential for this trend to continue for the foreseeable future.

Steve Fendley, President of Kratos Unmanned Systems Division, said, “Our primary focus and commitment remains developing and supporting cost-effective unmanned systems. As we continue evolving our offerings across a range of unmanned vehicle systems and key enabling technologies, we are excited about the continued expansion of our production runs providing these critical and affordable mission kits and RF subsystems to support the U.S. warfighter’s efforts. These recurring increases enable our workforce to continue to grow and our economies of scale to increase.”

Due to competitive, customer-related, and other considerations, no additional information will be provided related to this new contract award.

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