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Destruction of An-225 Mriya by Russia hinders repatriation of French army Takuba contingent.

| 2022

In a Twitter post on February 27, the Ukraine Government said: “The biggest plane in the world “Myria” (The Dream) was destroyed by Russian occupants on an airfield near Kyiv.” On February 24, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Ukraine confirmed that Russian military forces had attacked Antonov (Hostomel) Airport.

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Russian destruction of An 225 Mriya hinders repatriation of French army Takuba contingent 1 Photographic evidence from a satellite has emerged that confirms reports that the world’s largest aircraft, the Antonov An-225 « Mriya », has been destroyed by Russian forces (Picture source: Vortex#1949)

As reported by Rebecca Jeffrey in Air Cargo News, Ukraine’s state-owned aerospace and defense company Ukroboronprom said in a press release on February 27 that the 250-tonne payload aircraft was destroyed at Antonov’s airfield premises in Gostomel near Kyiv, where it was undergoing repair and routine maintenance. It added that restoration of the aircraft “will cost over $3bn” and take “over five years”.

However, Rebecca Jeffrey continues, in a second press release on February 27, Ukroboronprom cast doubt over the state of the aircraft. Referencing the An-225’s maintenance work on February 24, it said: “According to the director of Antonov Airlines, one of the engines was dismantled for repairs and the plane wasn’t able to take off that day, although the appropriate commands were given. Currently, it is impossible to assess the plane’s condition and the possibility and cost of its restoring due to the lack of access to the aircraft as the control over the airport is taken by the Russian occupiers.”

This destruction has an impact on the planned withdrawal of the French contingent from Mali in the framework of the decision made by French President Emmanuel Macron to put an end to the French participation in Operation Takuba carried on against islamic terrorist groups in the Sahel region. The hiring of the An-225 was again planned to repatriate helicopters and heavy equipment to France. An-124 Ruslans will most probably take the job over.

Russian destruction of An 225 Mriya hinders repatriation of French army Takuba contingent 2 The world’s largest aircraft, the Antonov An-225 « Mriya » (Picture source: Antonov)

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