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British F-35B Lightning Fighter Conducts Operational Mission for First Time With 809 NAS.

For the first time, a stealth fighter F-35B Lightning from the 809 NAS (Naval Air Squadron) has conducted an operational sortie. This mission was entirely managed by the personnel of the 809 NAS, from piloting to maintenance, including dispatch and recovery.
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A stealth fighter F-35B Lightning from the 809 NAS has conducted an operational mission. (Picture source: British MoD)

After a four-decade hiatus, the squadron was re-established at the end of last year, joining the prestigious 617 "Dambusters" Squadron of the RAF (Royal Air Force). Together, these frontline formations provide cutting-edge fifth-generation combat capabilities with the UK's most advanced aircraft, enhancing the operational power of the nation's two Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers.

When not deployed on these carriers, the two stealth fighter squadrons—comprising both Royal Navy and RAF personnel—are based at RAF Marham, near King's Lynn. This shared base ensures seamless integration and interchangeability between the squadrons when the 809 becomes fully operational.

Since its reformation in December, the 809 NAS has increased its personnel and completed essential training. Working alongside the 617 Squadron, the 809 NAS personnel have meticulously prepared for operational independence. This effort culminated in their first fully independent flight, symbolizing the squadron's revival and readiness.

Commander Nick Smith, the commanding officer of the 809 NAS, emphasized the significance of this achievement: "This marks an important step forward for the 809 NAS, having successfully generated operational aircraft that were in turn released for flight, dispatched, piloted, and recovered exclusively by the 809 NAS personnel. This was no small feat for what is still a small, growing team, and the entire squadron should be justifiably proud of this achievement."

The squadron, known as the Immortals and distinguished by a phoenix emblem, has a rich history dating back to 1941. It has been resurrected several times, including a brief period during the Falklands conflict in 1982, the most recent of its eight battle honors.

Looking ahead, Commander Smith highlighted future objectives for the 809 NAS: "The team will now build on this foundation in preparation for our autumn embarkation on HMS Prince of Wales, where the squadron will operate from a flight deck for the first time in nearly 42 years."

The F-35 Lightning II, developed by Lockheed Martin, is a fifth-generation multi-role combat aircraft designed to meet the diverse needs of modern armed forces. This stealth fighter made its first flight on June 11, 2008, with the F-35B model entering service progressively: the F-35A in 2015, the F-35B in 2016, and the F-35C in 2019. The total investment for this project is colossal, reaching $406.5 billion in 2016, with projected costs exceeding $1 trillion.

The unit cost of these aircraft is also high, varying by model and production periods. In 2018, the cost of the F-35A was approximately $143.84 million, while the F-35B cost $300 million in 2011. Costs have fluctuated across production batches, ranging from $221.2 million to $77.9 million for the F-35A, depending on the year and enhancements made.

To date, more than 1,000 units of the F-35 have been built. This aircraft is derived from the Lockheed Martin X-35 and is equipped with a Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, a turbofan with afterburner offering a unit thrust of 178 kN. Dimensions vary slightly between models, but generally, the wingspan of the F-35A and F-35B is 10.40 meters, while that of the F-35C is 13.10 meters. The aircraft length is 15.85 meters and its height is 5.28 meters, with a wing area ranging from 42.7 m² to 57.6 m² for the F-35C.

In terms of weight, the F-35A empty weighs 13,170 kg, the F-35B 14,580 kg, and the F-35C 14,550 kg. The maximum takeoff weight reaches 25,600 kg. The aircraft can achieve a maximum speed of 1,700 km/h (Mach 1.6+), with an operational ceiling of 18,500 meters. Its range also varies: 1,080 km for the F-35A, 869 km for the F-35B, and 1,138 km for the F-35C, with an endurance exceeding 2,800 km.

The F-35 can withstand load factors up to +9 G for the F-35A and +7 G for the F-35B and F-35C models. In terms of armament, it has an internal GAU-22 25 mm cannon (mounted in an external pod on the F-35B) and two weapon bays, each with two pylons, allowing up to 2,800 kg of armament. Externally, it can carry 6,800 kg of armament on six pylons.

With this milestone, the 809 NAS continues to build its legacy, demonstrating its resilience and readiness to contribute to the UK's naval air power.

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