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ILA 2024: German army presents use of Grille UAV for sanitary evacuation.

First presented in 2023 during the Bundeswehr Day, the Grille drone developed for the transportation of wounded personnel is now being showcased by the Bundeswehr at the ILA 2024 exhibition.
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Anvilusthe Grille UAV dedicated to Sanitary evacuation from frontline, presented by Bundeswher (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Developed by Avilus, the Grille drone is designed to handle the transportation of wounded individuals and cargo between the front line and rear areas. According to the Bundeswehr, it ensures rapid response in handling the injured, thereby reducing the time for care and consequently the complications related to injuries.

The company states that the system includes a multicopter for transporting the injured (MEDEVAC Grille), a mobile operations center (PECC), a trailer platform for air operations, service, and logistics (TROL), and a digital backbone (MEDC4I). The system is housed in a 20-foot ISO container for transport to the usage site and can be made ready for use by two soldiers in 15 minutes.

The multicopter can carry a payload of 135 kg with a takeoff mass of 695 kg. The fully electric 240 kW engine allows a cruising speed of 86 km/h up to an altitude of 2,100 meters. According to Avilus, the range is 51 km. In addition to a safety system design, a ballistic parachute is one of the safety features.

Avilus highlights the military-medical applications of the system, including tactical evacuation from casualty collection points, transfer missions between medical treatment facilities, medical resupply flights, or certain special operations in high-risk areas. The system is a sign of our times and is an integral part of the RASEVAC doctrine. This doctrine advocates the use of ground and aerial drones in necessary but secondary combat tasks, such as evacuating the wounded and delivering materials.

Bundeswher precise the use of Themis UGV for sanitary evacuation and material delivery on the frontline. 

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