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General Dynamics in collaboration with IMI presents Iron Fist Light active protection system at AUSA 10310165.

| 2016
AUSA 2016
Online Show Daily News
Association of U.S. Army
Exhibition and Conference
3 - 5 October 2016
Washington D.C., United States
General Dynamics at AUSA 2016
General Dynamics in collaboration with IMI presents Iron Fist Light active protection system at AUSA
General dynamics in cooperation with the IMI Systems (Israel Military Industries) presents latest generation of active protection system with the new Iron Fist Light (IFL) Active Protection System (APS) at AUSA 2016, the Association of United States Army Exhibition and Conference which takes place in Washington D.C., United States.
General dynamics in cooperation with the IMI Systems (Israel Military Industries) presents latest generation of active protection system with the new Iron Fist Light (IFL) Active Protection System (APS) at AUSA 2016, the Association of United States Army Exhibition and Conference which takes place in Washington D.C., United States. New Iron Fist Light active protection system at the booth of General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems during AUSA 2016, the Association of United States Army Exhibition and Conference, in Washington D.C., United States.
Designed to protect soldiers and vehicles from anti-armor threats, the Iron Fist rapidly and reliably detects, tracks and neutralizes anti-tank rockets (i.e. RPG), anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), kinetic energy and high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds with two layers of active protection.

The Iron Fist is a full spectrum active protection system with soft and hard kill counter-measures

For optimal reliability, the system utilizes two independent sensing techniques: radio frequency (RF) and passive infra-red (IR). Upon a threat warning, a long-range soft kill electro-optical jammer engages the threat’s tracking and sensing behavior. If needed, a close-range hard kill interceptor physically destroys or deflects the threat a safe distance from the defended platform. The blast interceptor effectively destroys or deflects an incoming threat with minimal fragmentation, minimizing collateral damage or injury to nearby personnel.

The IFL provides 360° protection coverage for close range scenarios in both open terrain and urban environments.

General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems and Israel Military Industries (IMI) are teamed to provide vehicle integration and production of the Iron Fist. The Iron Fist has successfully performed a full series of field interception tests against all threat types, including on-the-move and cluttered urban environment in both light and heavy vehicle configurations.


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