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Pakistani Shibli presents its Skua-LR thermal binocular at IDEAS 2016 72411161.

| 2016
IDEAS 2016 Online Show Daily News and Web TV International Defense Exhibition Karachi Pakistan
Army Recognition
IDEAS 2016 Official Online Show Daily News and Web TV
International Defense Exhibition and Conference
22 - 25 November 2016
Karachi, Pakistan
Shibli at IDEAS 2016
Pakistani Shibli presents its Skua-LR thermal binocular at IDEAS 2016
At IDEAS 2016, Shibli presents the Skua-LR, its thermal binocular. As an advanced and cutting-edge thermal imaging solution, the Skua-LR is specially designed for infantry and special forces in reconnaissance and scouting roles regardless of environmental constraints in both day & night scenarios. The device is mountable on a tripod, yet compact and lightweight enough to be a part of any soldier's standard loadout.
Pakistani Shibli presents its Skua-LR thermal binocular at IDEAS 2016 002
A Sri Lankan military officer testing the Skua-LR at IDEAS 2016
(Credit: Army Recognition)
The advanced 17μm 640x480 IR core delivers crisp and clear visuals under all conditions. Uncooled detector allows the Skua LR to boot up and reach a state of operational readiness instantly and allows detection capabilities up to 2.5 Km for humans & 4.4 Km for vehicles.

The Skua-LR is mountable on a tripod for stationary observation and compact enough to be carried by infantry. It features silent operation to completely negate sound signatures and can instantly detect heat signatures.

The ability to run for more than 8 hours on 4 AA batteries means that the Skua-LR is energy-efficient and easily serviceable. This greatly cuts down on device down-time due to charging or absence of power sources in battlefield scenarios.

Established in 2012, Shibli is an international organization and O.E.M specializing in the designing and manufacturing of Optronics Systems to enhance battlefield situational awareness.


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